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Board Meeting Minutes


We meet every first Tuesday of the month
5:00 PM at 75 The Terrace.
Everyone is welcome.

The most current minutes posted here are draft until approved at the next Board meeting.

Minutes - Studio 299 Board Meeting 12/11/2018
Present:  Mediha, Gil, Michaela, Lisa, Caren, Sharon, Liz, Steve, Nancy, David, Linda, and new member 
Rozz Aucella
Anne Thompson will join the board in 2019.

Board members kicked off the meeting with finger food and a glass of wine in celebration of a successful Holiday Boutique and Gil and Steve’s birthdays.

Treasurer’s Report:  
Holiday Boutique was very successful this year, making more than last year.

Old Business: 

Holiday Boutique:  The event was a huge success.  The planning committee met several times to plan and prep for the event. Forming a committee brought creative energy to the planning process, made it more fun, and relieved some of the stress that past chairpersons have experienced.  Many new visitors attended and enjoyed the event.  Along with a great showing of local art, visitors enjoyed Santa’s visit and the photo booth, the bar, raffle baskets, and delicious lunch food.  The tent was a great addition too and added room for local school kids to participate and raise funds for special projects.  Two raffle basket winners came from a distance to attend our event, one from Forks of the Salmon and the other from Klamath River.  Linda commented that it was great to get feedback about how enjoyable the event was for all. 

Boutique, ideas for next year:  We need more spotters, a few items disappeared this year.  The check-out table needs to be larger to allow better flow and a space is needed for gift wrapping.  A Creekside parent is interested in wrapping packages next year.  Shopping baskets are needed.   Planning should begin in September, three month’s out. 

There was discussion about the best way to arrange art items.  This year the committee mixed items on tables to give a gallery look to the studio.  In past years each artist’s items had been displayed in an assigned space on a table.  All agreed that if a board member brings an absentee artist’s items, they should also be responsible, during the breakdown, for boxing up items that didn’t sell.  
The lunch menu should be advertised prior to next year’s event so locals will know that lunch is offered. Linda suggested we create better signage, with the menu posted, and have arrows to point the way to the kitchen. David thought it would be good to know how many lunches were served each day to have as a reference for whoever cooks next year.  Steve suggested that a $5 donation to the raffle could entitle a person to a free drink.  Linda recently heard the 4-H Chorus sing and suggested that we invite them to perform next year.  Involving local school kids brought parents and friends to the event that wouldn’t otherwise have attended, and allowed the kids to raise funds for future trips or projects. 

New Business

Kitchen update: 
     Scott Yoder will rent the kitchen on 12/14/18 to prep for a Country Club event
     Health Department inspection scheduled for 12/14/18    
     Leah May will start renting the kitchen on a regular basis in January 2019

Classes and Events:

Sharon will teach a Valentine’s Mosaic class, tentatively scheduled for 2/9/19
Therapeutic Touch class scheduled for 2/23/19, 11:30 – 4:00, taught by Robyn’s sister
Sewing classes resume in January, on the 3rd Saturday of each month, taught by Sharon
Steelhead Days Farm to Table Dinner – Saturday 1/26/19 at the Studio
Creekside’s Wildlife Fair – 3/30/19.  Board members will judge student art from local schools

David has heard people comment that they didn’t know we offer classes and others that wondered how   upcoming classes are advertised.  The board discussed new ways to advertise and communicate with local folks.  Dream Quest has offered use of their two large windows.  Steve suggested we approach the WC Community Service District about purchasing a Digital Bulletin Board to be used to advertise community events.  Currently we have a mailing list, email mailing list, the Community Calendar and Facebook, all of which don’t seem to reach as many in the community as we’d like.  David thought that the WC Chamber of Commerce could be a good resource. 

A decision was made to skip the annual Board Retreat this year.

Mediha would like the Studio to move towards more classes and social events.  Art shows/openings have historically had low attendance and are pretty high stress if only one artist’s work is being shown.  Shows don’t necessarily need to be a showing of professional art but could be a showing of work created in classes here at the Studio, including cooking.  All events should be accompanied with art on gallery walls.

The board brainstormed possibilities for the year ahead:
Martini Night was successful and was a great social time for all that attended.  Perhaps repeat this event.
Spring Garden Art with garden starts
A Music/Art Event in summer, set up behind the kitchen, maybe include raffle baskets
Sunday Brunch with Mimosas and Frittatas, Jeremy may want to cook

Board members should think about artists willing to show and make personal contact. 

No Board Meeting scheduled in January due to slow time and the holidays

Next Board Meeting:  2/5/2019 at 5:00 PM, 2nd Tuesday


Studio 299 minutes
November 6, 2018

Present: Dave and Linda Lippman, Steve and Liz Brunner, Gil and Mediha Saliba, Michaela Walston, Sharon Grover.

Creekside report: The Dia De Los Muertos Event went very nicely and was well attended.  Kids loved the Offrenda and participated with images of their loved ones and pets. Wish paper was also used to send messages into the heavens.
Treasurer’s report: No report

Old Business:
Building change of use permit:  The inspector has come out and Joan Briggs has been given the report and will follow through with the building dept.
November classes in the kitchen could have been better attended but were still held and went well.

New Business:

Gunther our grounds keeper has not worked out and we are looking for someone else to help.  Several board members will ask around.

Dave Lippman will continue as our PR man.  He asked to be able to get onto the facebook page.  Mediha said she would try to figure out how to do that.

Steve Brunner will turn off the swamp cooler and turn the water off to the cooler.

Pavel came to check the electrical outlet that was not working.  He fixed it.

Christmas Boutique:
Linda Lippman as chairperson reported that she has sent all the letters out to participating artists.  We may need to pick up art from some of the artists.
*  Trinity Valley is doing a bake sale with cookies, peppermint bark, and pies on Saturday .
*  Dreamquest will be selling their cookbooks and rubs.
*  Burnt Ranch is selling See’s Candy for their 8th grade fundraiser.
*  The schools and Dreamquest will not be charged 15%
*  Creekside will do themed gift baskets
*  Steve Pain will be Santa on Saturday from 12-2
*  Mediha will call Lexi and ask her to make cupcakes if Trinity Valley does     not do a bake sale on Sunday.

Steve Brunner has completed making the tree shaped signs.  He delivered them to Sharon Grover, where she and Mediha painted them.  The tree signs will go up the Thursday before out Boutique.  The other signs will go up this weekend.
Steve also made tree shaped shelves from the negative space of the tree signs.  Sharon and Mediha will stain them for use at the Boutique. 

We may need more lighting, but the board seemed split on this.  Some did not find it necessary so we will wait until set up.

We will need pop-up tents for the photo-booth, as well as food tasting.

We will see what the weather looks like before we decide on some of these things.

It was suggested that we also offer a holiday happy hour from 2-4 on both days.  Mulled wine, eggnog and rum, Kahlua and coffee. Donation for drinks will be $3.00 .  Steve offered to tend the bar.

Michaela donated organic coffee and sugar for the event. 

Next meeting 12-11-2018


Minutes - Studio 299 Board Meeting 10/02/2018
Present:  Mediha, Gil, Liz, Steve, Linda, Dave, Caren, Michaela, Lisa, Nancy

Mediha introduced Lexi Doolittle to Board members.  Lexi would like to purchase a commercial refrigerator to install at the Studio/kitchen for food storage for her Food/Pizza Truck.

Treasurer’s Report:  Gil gave the treasurers report and it was approved. 
Creekside Report:  Michaela reported that the Hawaiian Day Event was fun for all.  She thanked the board for their support.  The event brought in $800 profit. 

A Creekside family has asked about the possibility of installing filtered water stations at the school.
The possibility of installing one filtered hydration station to replace one of the existing drinking fountains was discussed.  Steve asked about the possibility of considering water delivery instead.  Creekside will do further research to see if this would be acceptable to concerned parents.  

A discussion ensued regarding the new fountain.  The school would like to turn it on sometimes and wanted board approval.  Mediha also voiced concern about the need to keep leaves off the gravel during the Autumn months and other periods of non-use.  Perhaps a cover can be made to cover the gravel area.

A van was donated to the school by Lisa’s parents.  It is registered to Studio 299.  Michaela and Sarah will get commercial driver’s licenses.  Car insurance is already in place.

The school would like to mount an Appreciation Tree (poster) on the side of the kitchen building.  Board members OK’d this request.  The kiln is back in use.  Skulls have been fired.

New Business:  

The Board discussed Lexi’s request to install a refrigerator for food storage when she begins operating her brick-oven pizza truck in April.  She will be associated with Studio 299’s commercial kitchen in order to legally operate her business. She will need to use the kitchen on Friday, Saturday and Sunday only  from April until June.  She estimates she will need to use the kitchen from 10:00 – 11:00 AM, then come back to the kitchen around 11:00 PM for clean-up and to store food.  She will need codes for entry.  Her schedule will change in June with the truck closed on Wednesdays and Thursdays.  Her business location will be at the O’Gorman’s fruit stand on Hwy 299 near the Renner gas station.  A decision was made to charge Lexi a $60- membership fee and reduced kitchen use rent to start at $100/month to encourage and support her in this new business venture. 

Creekside and Dreamquest have applied for a grant to enhance the crosswalk that is to be installed across Country Club Lane near entry to the Post Office parking lot.  A Willow Creek walkability study showed that this area is a problem and the County has agreed to install the crosswalks with speed buttons preceding the crosswalk and reduced speed limit signs.  The school’s grant would cover an encroachment permit and painting of a mural on the pavement inside the crosswalk and possibly another (future project) mural between Studio 299 and the Ambrosini building.  Mediha would like to earmark $500 for the mural and David suggested that the Studio donate paint for the project.  MCC would like a fish scene.  Liz made a motion to fund $500 for the mural in the crosswalk.  Board members approved.

A discussion ensued about requirement for signage for events.  A permit is required for any sign taller than 6 foot tall.  Sandwich boards don’t require permits.

Mediha has attempted to update Studio 299’s website.  She is having problems with the builder section.
She added photos and a class schedule and will remedy problems soon.

Mediha met with Dean, the county building inspector, on October 1st.  The studio is listed as a garage/assembly room on County records.  Cost for the inspectors advice and update to records is $100.  She requested a list of requirements for change of use and E-occupancy compliance.  The inspector indicated that it would be pretty easy to upgrade status.  Bathrooms are currently ADA compliant.  Lighted Exit signs would need to be installed on the side and back doors of the studio.  A plan, reviewed by the building department, will be needed.

Classes Scheduled:
Robin’s Soap making demonstration 11/2/18 4:00-6:00 PM  $20
Robin’s Ginger Beer class 11/3/18 10:00 – 11:00 AM  $15
Robin’s Sourdough Bread Class – Soon, date to be determined

Dia de los Muertos is scheduled for 10/27/18  4:00-6:00 PM.  Creekside art teachers are working on ceramics and other projects for the event.  Board members decided to supply paper bowls and napkins a hot dish,
Perhaps beans.   Board members will make hot dishes and cookies.  There is left-over wine  (for sanghria) and beer to use at the event.  Creekside parents will make salsa.   Chips will be purchased from Costco.   An Ofrenda Alter may be set up and Mediha suggested light-up wish papers for people to write messages to send up for loved ones that have passed.  David will make a flier to advertise the event.

Holiday Boutique:
The Committee met to firm up plans for the Boutique.  Those present were Linda, Liz, Caren, Sharon, Mediha.

A decision was made to scrap the old artisan’s list (used in previous years) and to use personal invitations to contact potential artists to participate.  Jewelry artisans are already lined up.  The committee is seeking “guy” things for the boutique.  Someone will contact the Hammer-In people to see if they have items to sell.  Gil suggested handmade fishing flies.  A large triangle with arrows will be put out near the street on the event days.  Art will be showcased on Facebook prior to the event.

Burnt Ranch school will be included with their Sees Candy fundraiser booth.  Their sales are a fund-raiser for their 8th grade trip.  Linda will reach out to Trinity Valley School to see how they are raising funds for their 8th grade trip and include them too.  The committee is seeking “guy” things for the boutique.  Handmade knives, etc.   Someone will contact the Hammer-In people to see if they have items to sell.  Gil suggested handmade fishing flies.  Jewelry artisans are already lined up.

A photo booth will be included this year.  Sharon will order a backdrop.  It may be set up outside, under a canopy with straw bales and assorted signs to hold.   Santa may make an appearance on Saturday afternoon.

Sunday’s focus will be food and sampling.  Lexi’s Pizza truck will be on-site.  Beverages will be ginger beer, wine, and beer.  

Minutes - Studio 299 Board Meeting 9/04/2018
Present:  Mediha, Gil, Liz, Linda, Nancy, Caren

Treasurer’s Report:  It has been quiet through the summer.  Recurring bills for water and power.
Electric bill is down to $10- after installation of the Solar System.

Old Business:  Movie night wasn’t a hit and has been officially cancelled.

New Business:  

Keri has resigned from the board.  With her departure we will need to find someone to update the website regularly.  Mediha will talk to John Porter, the pottery teacher.  He has computer/website skills and may be interested in assisting with that.

Pottery Class has been moved to Saturdays to accommodate students that can’t participate on weekdays.

A Creekside social event is set for Saturday 9/29/2018, 3:00 – 7:00 PM.  It will be called “Island Afternoon” and will include Hawaiian food and tropical drinks.

The school is no longer affiliated with Mattole Charter Schools.  Mattole has changed their name to Northern United Charters.  As part of this change Studio 299 will look into becoming E-Occupancy compliant.  Until further research is done, there is uncertainty as to the status of building compliance.  If needed, steps will be taken to become E-Compliant.  Liz will talk to Steve to find out if he knows anything about it.

Mediha asked if anyone is interested in planning a Harvest Festival.  Dream Quest won’t be doing a Haunted House this year, and Creekside hasn’t come forward with that intention.  Board members were reluctant to commit to organizing the event without Creekside participation.

Addendum to Minutes:  Mediha sent out an email to let board members know that Creekside is planning a Day of the Dead event on the afternoon/evening of 10/27/2018.  Board participation would be appreciated.  They plan to serve sangria and may have a salsa contest and display Day of the Dead art in the studio.  Let Mediha know if you can help or bring finger food or cookies.  Halloween / Day of the Dead theme. 

Kitchen Class Schedule:
11/03/2018 – Soap Making.  Class will be more a demonstration than hands-on training, instructor: Robin
11/10/2018 – Ginger Beer Class, instructor: Robin

Kitchen Rental:
The board received a letter from Lexi Doolittle.  She needs to be affiliated with a commercial kitchen while operating her brick-oven pizza truck.  Gil suggested that she could use the small building behind the studio to store her refrigerator and other supplies.  She is willing to pay $350-/month.  The board had a few questions about Lexi’s needs and tentatively OK’d the request.  Mediha will contact Lexi to get a better idea of her needs and work plan. 

Holiday Boutique:
Set for the first weekend in December. Friday, Saturday, Sunday, are the usual event days.  The board discussed whether or not open/closing times should be modified. Linda suggested that we target artists rather than send out blanket letters in order to control the quality of items on display.  She suggested that we showcase the lunch chef and menu, and art items offered in an advertisement prior to the event.  No one stepped up to Chair the event so a decision was made to set up a committee to share the load.  Board members on the Committee:  Linda, Liz, Mediha, Caren.  Liz will inquire about whether or not Cindy would be willing to join the team.  First meeting will be September 11th, 5:00 PM at Caren’s house.  Many decisions need to be made.  December is just around the corner!

Artisans need to be notified as soon as possible.  Coastal artisans need to know that they don’t need to be present during the event and items can be picked up in advance.  Artists will get 85% of sales as in previous years.  Board members need to talk to artisans now.  

A suggestion was made to involve the community more during the event.  School carolers may be able to make an appearance again.  Someone needs to schedule their participation. 

Ideas:  Baked goods, Gift baskets for sale and to raffle, wreaths, garden art, Christmas tree and lights for the yard, social media advertisement/preview, posters, banners  

The board talked about a possible photo booth with Santa Claus for the children to visit, possibly in the Ocean Room or a pop-up tent outside the kitchen.  Creekside may make Granola in jars to sell at the event. 

Adjourned at 6:35


Studio 299 Board minutes 
July 10, 2018

Present: Liz and Steve Brunner, David and Linda Lippman, Michaela Walston, Gil and Mediha Saliba, Caren Wise

Due to the extreme hot weather Studio 299 met pool-side at Liz and Steve Brunner’s home.  Caren Wise joined us as she is interested in being a new board member.  She was unanimously approved.

As this was an informal meeting, please fill in anything you think I might have left out.

Movie Night- There was discussion as to whether we should continue with movie night as there was very little interest last month.  The board decided to continue for the time being.  For July 19 we will show, When Harry Met Sally, offer free popcorn, and sell beer and wine and offer the signature cocktail of a “Screaming Orgasm”.  People are welcome to bring a snack for themselves or to share.  David will create a poster and post to Willow Creek bulletin.  Mediha will send out emails.

Open Sewing- There will be an open sewing meeting on July 21, at 10-12:30.  Bring your machine and project, we have irons and ironing boards.

MCC Unity Music Festival- July 21, 2-10 at China Creek Cottages.  Studio 299 and Creekside are doing an ice-coffee booth.  We will also have lemonade.  Proceeds will go to Creekside.  Gil and Mediha will bring a popup tent and a small refrigerator.  Michaela will talk to RiverSong as they were going to bring coffee too.  Our booth will be next the RiverSong.

October Halloween/Harvest Event- Studio 299 wants to support a Creekside, kids friendly event.  Mediha will check with Dream Quest to see when and if they are doing something. Michaela suggested perhaps we could do something more around “Dia De Los Muertos.”  The school kids could do art and poetry.  Perhaps the pottery studio can make some art reflecting that holiday.  Caren suggested a kids costume parade at the school.

Studio 299 Board Meeting 6/05/2018

Present: Mediha and Gil Saliba, Michaela Walston, Lisa Ambrosini, Sharon Grover, Liz Bruner, Nancy Holberg-Caster  

Creekside Report:

Creekside’s school year ended 5/21/2018.  The new solar system has been installed on the Studio roof.

The back yard is cleaned up and planted with flowers and culinary herbs.

Treasurers Report:  Nothing to report this month.

New Business:

The Wall dedication ceremony is scheduled for this Saturday 6/9/2018 from 2:00 – 4:00 PM.
Invitations were sent to donors in May.  An art opening will follow the dedication.  Featured artists are Marilyn Allen and Penny Fregeau.  The weather forecast calls for rain.  Round tables will be set up inside the gallery with the bar outside, near kitchen.  Set-up time is 1:00.  Liz will bring table cloths.  Board members will bring savory finger-food.  Cold drinks, beer and wine will be served.    

Don McLaughin, a community member, has purchased a hot-dog truck and needs a commercial kitchen as home base in order to sell food from her truck.  He has asked Studio 299     to become his affiliated kitchen.  Board members voted “yes” that this membership request should be accepted.  Mediha will contact the applicant to discuss requirements. 

Mediha drafted a Commercial Membership Application for this purpose.  Applicants will need proof of liability insurance, health department certification in place and additional insurance to cover Studio 299.  Rates: $30- for 4 consecutive months, or $60- for a full year membership

Research shows that if an affiliated food truck has problems with their food, the liability for that food stays with the truck.  Studio 299’s kitchen has no liability because our kitchen meets health department requirements.

Board members discussed possible events to hold during the summer months.

Movie Night – Member discussed hosting adult oriented classic movies inside the Studio 7:00 – 9:00 PM.  Window coverings may be needed for the small, west facing windows.  Liz suggested that board members inventory their home collections to see what we may already have (no Blueray, won’t work in projector).  Possible dates on calendar: Thursday 6/28/2018, Thursday 7/26/2018.  If all goes well, we may consider Movie Night once a month.  We may offer drinks on a donation basis.

Book Club – Formation of an informal book club was suggested.  Gil will contact Kay O’Gorman to get suggestions to help us get started.  Board members are to bring one book to the next board meeting that could be a potential book club choice.  We may include a BYO Beverage and Snack element to Book Club meetings.

Taste of Willow Creek – 7/14/2016 at Veteran’s Park.  Board members decided not to commit to formal participation at this event.

Unity Music Festival – 7/21/2018  2:00-10:00 PM at the China Creek outdoor stage, hosted by Mountain Community Culture.  The event will include five bands and food vendors.  Ticket cost is $20- advance / $25- at the door.  The event organizer invited Creekside and/or Studio 299 to consider having a coffee and sweet-treats booth.  The board decided to move forward with this event, join forces with Creekside, and donate booth proceeds to Creekside.  Mediha volunteered to work the booth.  Michaela can make iced coffee and tea drinks.  We will need (Board member donated) single serve, room temperature safe food for this event too.

Board members decided not to participate in the Bigfoot Parade, annual Labor Day weekend community event.

Kids Art Camp will be held at the Studio again this summer.  Judy Nelson is the organizer.
Mediha will get liability forms to Judy and discuss the recently adopted garbage rules prior to the week-long event.

Open Sewing – Held the 3rd Saturday of each month. Sharon said she didn’t have anyone show up in May.  She needs to cancel June due to other commitments.  She’d like to schedule the next Open Sewing day for 7/21/2018.

New Workshop possibilities – Robin’s daughter may do a salve making workshop.  Her sister does Energy Work and is considering a one-day workshop.

Next meeting:  Tuesday 7/3/2018 5:00 PM at Liz and Steve’s home.  Potluck and swim. 

Studio 299 Board Meeting 5/01/2018

Present: Mediha and Gil Saliba, Linda and Dave Lippman, Michaela Walston, Lisa Ambrosini, Liz and Steve Bruner, Nancy Holberg-Caster  

Creekside Report:
Teachers and parents are busy with last minute preparations for the Creekside Luau event scheduled for Friday 5/04/2018, 5:00 PM.  So far, 80 tickets have been sold with expectation that more than 100 people will attend.  The event will include live music, small plate food stations and a tiki bar complete with drink choices of Mai Tai, Pina Colada and Beer.  Childcare will be available for Creekside families across the street.  Proceeds from this event will help fund a school van.

Michaela has contacted the solar installer and placed the order.  Solar panels should arrive next week.  Panels will be installed on the gallery roof.  Creekside funded this project with grant funds.

The last day of the school year is 5/21/2018 followed by a family campout at Sky Crest Lake.

Treasurers Report:
April was a quiet month and no big expenses are expected.  $10k was transferred to the savings account.  Gunther was hired to do maintenance and gardening.  Additional rock work is expected to be done in summer months.  Outdoor lights will be installed to light up the grounds.
Installation of an alarm system is under consideration by board members. 

Old Business:
The pottery wheel was shipped to Laguna Clay for repairs.  Phoenix handled the shipment.
Pottery workshops, taught by John Porter, are going well with five dedicated students.  Classes meet on Fridays at 10:00 AM.

Mediha has rescheduled the dedication of the fountain wall to 6/9/2018, 2:00-4:00 PM, to accommodate Marilyn Allen’s availability.  An artist opening in the gallery is scheduled for that same evening from 4:00-6:00 PM.  Liz and Steve will address and send invitations out during the week of 5/14.

Sewing Class/Workshops continue on the 3rd Saturday of each month, open to beginners or experienced students.  Next class is 5/19/2018 at 10:00 AM with Sharon Grover instructing.

New Business:
Erika Hostler was expected to attend today’s board meeting to request use of the gallery for a buying club venture.  The board discussed a possible lack of connection to Studio 299’s vision for the community and tabled the request for now. 

Lexi, a local woman, purchased a food truck and has inquired about use of the kitchen, possible refrigerator storage space and a spot to park her food truck.  The board discussed and 

made a decision to decline this request based on the fact that this type of use is outside the Studio’s mission.

Dream Quest plans to have a farm-to-table booth at the weekly Farmer’s Markets this summer.  They would like to schedule kitchen rental once a week for food prep.  Board members approved this request at a reduced rental rate in support of Dream Quest. 

Gil and Mediha will be on vacation from 5/10 – 5/28.  
Only contact:   medihasaliba@icloud.com

Next meeting:  Tuesday 6/05/2018 5:00 PM

Meeting Notes April 3rd, 2018

Attending:  Mediha and Gil Saliba, Lisa Ambrosini, Michaela Walston, Liz and Steve Bruener, Sharon Grover

Call to order 5:05

Creekside is doing a Luau on May 4th, from 5:00 – 8:00.  
Creekside will be using all spaces, kitchen included
$30 per ticket, this includes food and first drink.  Creekside will be selling tickets.
Studio 299 will send out an email including flyer

Gil gave treasurer’s report.  

Creekside Update:  
Creekside has spring break April 16-20.
Class will be out May 24th.  Our last day here will be May 21st.

We need to find out when the pottery wheels were purchased

Mediha will be gone most of May.  Does anyone else want to hold classes?

We would like to do a dedication for the donor fountain.  When should we do this?  July?  Should we combine this with something else?  
Have food and drinks available, all the buildings open, 

Robin wants to do some classes, but is waiting to see because she is trying to organize the Willow Creek Farmers Markets.

Friday, April 20th, John is planning to do a pottery workshop.  
He will have some items available for people to glaze.
People can choose other projects as well (pinch pots, tiles, etc)

Open sewing Saturday, April 21st.

Gunther Johnson is interested in working on the back garden.  What do we want to have back there?  Something we don’t need to maintain very often.

Outdoor lighting – We need more outdoor lights for evening events.
We need more outdoor outlets for people to plug into.
Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 1, 5 PM

Studio 299 Board Meeting 3/06/2018

Present: Mediha and Gil Saliba, Sharon Grover, Linda and Dave Lippman, Michaela Walston, Lisa Ambrosini, Londa Rowley, Robyn Day, Nancy Holberg-Caster

There was no meeting in February because there was not a quorum.

Board members viewed, judged and voted for the winners in each age category of the Willow Creek Fire Safe Council’s Fire Safety Poster Contest.  Posters were original artwork created by K- 8th grade students from Burnt Ranch, Trinity Valley and Creekside schools.  

Creekside Report:
Teachers and parents continue to make plans for the Luau event scheduled for Friday 5/04/2018, 5:00 PM.  They plan to have live music, small plate food stations and a tiki bar.  Students may make wooden fish to sell as a fundraiser too.

The Fire Marshall will be visiting soon to do an inspection.  Smoke detector tests will be conducted.  The school has been practicing fire drills and an Exiting Schedule was created.  Fire extinguishers are required to be checked every six months.

The school’s Emergency Plan needs to be posted in the Studio, to be used in case of an emergency evacuation.  This action plan includes phone numbers and instructions/protocol to be followed in an evacuation.   Need to purchase a clear wall pocket or some type of clear envelope to store the Plan near doorways.   The kitchen may require this type of Plan too.

Creekside received grant funding to install a solar system on the Studio building.  The existing solar tube/skylight will need to be removed because solar panels will be installed on that area of the roof.

Creekside is in need of a van to transport students to field trips and events.

Treasurers Report:
Taxes have been filed.  Annual membership dues and income from small events has helped boost the account.  No known expenditures in sight.  A decision was made to move $10k to a CD or interest bearing account.

Old Business:
The class schedule continues to grow. 

Sewing Class – 3rd Saturday of each month, Fee:  free    Instructor:  Sharon Grover
Next Class: 3/17 10:00 AM – 2:30 PM
Sharon has both experienced and beginner students.  She offers a beginner’s kit for each class and charges a small materials fee for each kit.  Each kit contains an easy fabric project to complete during class with Sharon’s assistance and instruction.  Experienced seamstresses work independently on their personal projects.

Sticky Buns/Honey Wheat Rolls Class – 3/17 10:00 AM.  Instructor: Robyn Day
Fee is $25-.  Robyn’s bread making classes are usually full and enjoyed by community members. 

Pottery Tile Class – 3/17 1:00 PM.  Taught by John Porter in the pottery studio.  
Fee is $25-.  Fee covers materials, instruction and firing the tiles.

Possible new painting class will be taught by a young man named Adriano.  Class may include a glass of wine and light snacks.  No date set yet.

Gil is working on table easles for the studio.
The pottery wheels need repair so solve a wobble problem.  John Porter and Mediha will contact Laguna Clay for advice.

Robyn is planning to offer two additional classes:  Soap Making and Ginger Beer

New Business:
There was discussion about whether or not to shut off gas pilots on the oven when not in use to save propane and expense.  It was decided to turn off the pilots and add instructions for re-lighting them.  Creekside instructors know the process to re-light oven pilots, if needed.

Gallery update:  Linda said Daryl’s art will come down next weekend.
We are looking for local artists that would be interested in hanging art in the studio.
Sharon will contact two artists that have expressed an interest.  Their paintings could possibly be hung mid-May followed by an opening reception, along with the Donor Wall dedication, on 6/02.

A Cider Tasting event and Quilt Show is tentatively planned for 7/28.  Board members will make appetizers.  Michaela will check with Cider companies about donations and cost.  Sharon will contact quilters.

Holiday Boutique: Planning begins in September.

Linda reported that recent Mountain Community Culture (MCC) events at the Studio went well.  It was a good chance for the community to see the Studio and kitchen as a possibility for future events.  MCC has formed a committee to work on improvement plans for downtown Willow Creek, to include walking trails and better crosswalks.  They are working with RCAA and are seeking grant funding for the projects. 

Outdoor lighting is needed around the yard.  Members discussed adding lockable electrical outlets along the fence line and near the fountain, possibly aimed up at the trees.

Meeting adjourned at 6:30

Studio 299 Retreat – 1/19/2018

Present:  Mediha and Gil Saliba, Linda and Dave Lippman, Sharon Grover, Robin Day,
Michaela Walston, Nancy Holberg-Caster

Creekside Report:  

An adult Luau fundraiser is in the planning stages.  Tentative date is 5/4/18, 5:00 – 9:00 PM at the Studio.  Hawaiian style dinner, music/entertainment.  The kitchen will be needed for the event.  Childcare will be provided for school families only, across the street.  An ABC license will be needed.

Mattole may invest in a solar system for Creekside.  It will be grant funded.  It’s not determined yet which building will be the best candidate for the system.

New Business:

Kitchen related:

Mediha drafted Rules and Regulations for the Studio 299 kitchen.  Board members reviewed and made suggestions to enhance the list.  Discussion ensued about how to handle trash, clean-up, cleaning deposits and the need to develop a rental fee schedule based on the type of use (event vs regular rental).  

A discussion followed about possible use of the double door area for serving food to guests outside, or whether or not guests could enter the double doors and exit the single door while being served.  It was determined that as long as the prep space is set up behind tables (away from the flow of guests) and all food is covered, there shouldn’t be a problem with either scenario.

Knives and a tote were found missing from the kitchen.  The steak knives were returned but colored knives are still missing.  During the Christmas break the neighborhood had several break-ins.  Creekside lost computers and other equipment.  A police report was filed.  The Lockbox has been changed.

Possible Studio Events:

The George Wallace poetry workshop (August 2018) will probably be cancelled.  Not enough interest.  Mediha may consider hosting a smaller event.  Jeff DeMark may be interested.  

Board members discussed what motivates local people to come out, entertainment, workshops, etc.  Entertainment with a Theme was discussed, maybe a poetry reading theme night?

Sharon suggested having an Edgar Allen Poe theme night with drinks and poetry readers.
Linda suggested that we consider the different types of events:  smaller (30 people), larger (150 people), adult or all-family.  The larger events with children participating seem to bring in more friends and family from the community.   Events like the Martini Night are easy set up and cost less.  Sit-down dinners require more energy and prep.  It may be better to consider several smaller events instead.  

Linda suggested that we combine art in the gallery with events since art shows and openings haven’t attracted much attendance.

Robin suggested children’s art shows or art workshops, maybe in conjunction with Dreamquest.  Would be good to extend an invitation to other local schools.  Maybe host an art show for kids interested in art (with teacher recommendations) rather than open it up to all students.  Try to get quality art rather than quantity.  Possibilities were discussed, including a possibility of partnering with Dreamquest to find an art teacher to teach an art class regularly on Fridays or Saturdays.  Dreamquest prints a regular newsletter.  Collaboration may be a good way to advertise upcoming events, get more kids to participate and gain credibility within the community.

Class Brainstorming Session:

Flying Blue Dog Nursery may be able to bring a class to Studio 299, perhaps mushrooms.
Seasonal based class/events:  Blackberry or Peach Fest
Robin’s Bread making classes are to continue.
Robin’s sister would like to teach a Healing Touch class, a family oriented techniques with continuing education credits.
Dave will check with a coastal vintner to see if they would come out to do a tasting/art class event, paired with wine tasting and appetizers.

Cider/beer tasting event, paired with BBQ snacks, seasonal vegetables, fruits.
Harvest Happy Hour with cocktails and mocktails (for children).  Possibly 10/26/18.
Christmas memory readings with food and perhaps a Redbud Theater short theatrical presentation. 

Robin suggested that we have a drawing jar at Farmers Market that could be advertisement for upcoming events with the raffle winner winning free entry or some other event oriented prize.

Gingerbread house making contest – After Thanksgiving

Lunch Break ~ enjoyable food and good company

There were many fabulous ideas discussed.
We’d like to do more kids art shows with Creekside, Burnt Ranch, Trinity, and Hoopa.
Michaela suggested we post request for art teachers and cooking class teachers on the Willow Creek bulletin board.
Robin suggested we check with Humboldt College to see if there are any students who might want to teach art up here.
April is poetry month and it would be nice to do something with poetry.  Mediha will see what she can come up with.
Amy and Jacques would like someone else to take over the garden.
Gunther, the new grounds keeper will help with the garden.  Mediha would like the raised bed to stay in and flowers or herbs to be planted in them.  Perhaps Rita and Louri from Flying Blue Dog can help with plants.

Events and classes so far in place or being thought of are as follows.

January – May:  Every third Saturday of the month, 10:00 AM
Open sewing with Sharon Grover giving a simple instruction on something each class.

March 3: Sourdough bread class with Robin Day

March 17:  Sticky buns class with Robin Day
Open sewing

May 4: – Creekside Luau 5-10 PM / fundraiser
Will need kitchen a week prior.
(Wildlife Fair is canceled for 2018)
May-June Art:  Sharon will check with her friend Lucy.

June: Soap Class 
Ginger Beer class with Robin Day.  Dates to be set

July 28: Cider tasting and pairing with quilt show

August: Send out artist request for Holiday Boutique, and follow up monthly
We need pottery

October 26 Friday: 5-7 PM
Harvest Happy Hour, adult drinks and kid moc-drinks 
Poetry of Edgar Alan Poe with goolish food (ie bloody finger cookies)

Board Meeting Minutes Studio 299

Present:  Mediha & Gil Saliba, Linda & David Lipman, Michaela Walston, 
Sharon Grover, Robin Day, Liz Bruener, Nancy Holberg-Caster

Creekside Report:  
Repairs are needed to the kitchen sink and water heater both are leaking.  School will be out soon for the Holiday Break 12/15/17 – 1/7/2018.
Ambrosini building:  The leach field is located under the chips in front of the building.  Last weekend someone parked on the chips.  Creekside will purchase signs to restrict parking to pavement area only.  Racks are needed for the rollers on the new gates.

Treasurer’s Report:
Budget is in good shape.
Holiday Boutique:   We did well, but took in less than last year.

Boutique discussion:  The event went well, a bit slower than past years. We didn’t have raffle items this year, other than Creekside’s.  Mehiha wonders if we should consider selling baked goods next year.  A Friday night kick-off event may be considered next year, if it wouldn’t interfere with set-up. Or, we can make set up earlier and have people stay for the kick off.

Old Business:
The Studio 299/Friends & Family of Creekside (FFC) Bank account needs to be transferred to Coast Central CU since Umpqua Bank closed its Willow Creek branch. 

New Business:
Annual Retreat to be held on Friday 1/19/18, 10:00 – 3:00 at the Saliba home.

Saturday Sewing Circle/workshop to begin 1/20/18, 10:00 – 1:00.  Sharon will have iron, ironing board and extension cords to share.  Open to anyone that wants to come and sew.
Participants will bring their own machines and whatever project they are working on.

Linda & Dave, Mountain Community Culture members, are planning a Farm to Table fundraiser to kick-off Steelhead Days.  The dinner will be held at Studio 299 on 1/27/18.
Their son Sam is the chef for this $100-/plate dinner.  Maximum seating: 36
We need to consider the décor.  Perhaps area rugs, rectangular table set-up planned.  Sam’s wife has tablecloths and Teddy will do centerpieces.  There was discussion regarding the possibility to show someone’s art collection or to auction a few art pieces.

The future of the piano was discussed.  It is seldom used and there is possibility that a local family may need a piano.  The piano was donated by Sharon.

Mediha is currently taking a Food Management Class.  She has learned a lot about managing a commercial kitchen.  She realizes that with each kitchen rental one person needs to be responsible to ensure that kitchen rules and regulations are followed during the event.  Someone to monitor that kitchen safety and cleanliness regulations are followed and who will be responsible to follow general organization and cleanup protocol. That person will then be in touch with Mediha.

Boutique Signs posted around town need to be taken down.  Mediha will take them home.

Wood chips need to be re-done in the yard.  Liz will talk to Wes Green about cost.
Michaela reminded the board that playground-safe chips are needed under the climber.

One cabinet was moved outside the building and is still there.  Creekside uses it and will make decisions about whether to move it back to the front of the gallery.  Our rolling bar needs to be moved to a more protected area and a cover is needed to protect it from weather.  Liz will get a price on a cover.

Mediha suggested she meet with Creekside staff to discuss Kitchen rules and expectations.  Michaela is creating signs for kitchen mutual rules, such as, which trash should be used, etc.  Creekside uses the kitchen on Thursdays for a cooking class.  There is also a kitchen in the Ambrosini building and they may begin using that. 

Creekside plans to continue using the Ocean room and upstairs room in the kitchen building.

Dave mentioned that building’ gutters need to be cleaned out.  Discussion ensued regarding the possible need to hire a part-time maintenance person to handle routine upkeep and minor repairs, as needed.
Meeting Adjourned ~6:00 PM.

Meeting Notes November 7, 2017

Attending:  Mediha and Gil Saliba, Lisa Ambrosini, Michaela Walston, Liz Bruener, Nancy Holberg-Caster, Robin Day 

Call to order 5:00

Martini Tasting went great! Things went smoothly, it was fun and made some money.

Gil gave treasurer’s report.  

Creekside Update:  
We are moved into the new building!!
Grown Folk Game Night November 18th, 5-10pm.  $20, includes food and first drink.

Leah would still like to rent the kitchen on Thursdays to prepare to go food.  Beau wants to rent the kitchen to bake bread.  How are we going to charge for this?

This Saturday, November 11th: 
Remains of the day necklace class with Liz: 10am, cost $15.00
Ginger beer making class:  10am, cost $15.00

Jeff DeMark would like to do a one-man show sometime in spring.

Update on Holiday Gift Boutique
Set up on Friday, December 1st, at 10am.  Artists come at 4pm
Breakdown is Sunday at 4pm

Christmas Party – Rowley’s may not be able to do it this year.  Plan “B”, maybe do a pot luck party, Tuesday, December 5th at Gil and Mediha’s house?

We need to reinvent the gallery hours.  Maybe it should only be open during classes?
We have classes in mosaic, jewelry, bread baking
We need water color artists and other painting classes
We need a potter
We need interesting cooking classes [sushi, Thai cuisine, etc.
How can we get more people involved in classes/workshops?
o Kid classes on Friday mornings?
o Adult classes with ”babysitting” offered at the same time?
If everyone can think of a workshop they could reach out for and organize, that would be great.

Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 5th, this should be a party and retreat planning.

Studio 299 – Center for the Arts
Board Meeting notes
October 2, 2017

Attending:  Mediha and Gil Saliba, Lisa Ambrosini, Michaela Walston, Sharon Grover, David and Linda Lippman, Nancy Holberg-Caster

Call to order 5:00

Creekside Update:  
    •    Prop 36 funds may be able to be used to put solar panels on the roof.
    •    Mattole Valley is going to be doing some restructuring this year, it should not change how we operate.
    •    We are still looking for a van to transport children.
    •    We need to stain the back deck, Michaela and Lisa will talk to parents about doing that.

Leah would like to rent the kitchen on Thursdays to prepare to go food. The kitchen will be available to her even while Creekside classes are in session.

Nancy Caster made a motion to change the Studio 299 board meeting time from the first Monday of the month to the first Tuesday of the month at 5:00 PM.  It passed unanimously.

October 6, Friday 8:00 PM Zuzka from Del Arte
    •    Happy Hour with food at 7:00

October 14: ginger beer workshop, $15, bring a mason jar

October 21:  Martini tasting with Lynn Martinez:  Seems to be growing on its own.  Tickets will be sold at DreamQuest, $15.00 for 3 tastes and appetizers. David will post some advertizements.
    •    We need silent auction items
    •    We need help with appetizers and desserts
        o    Michaela is making dessert
        o    Monique is making appetizers
        o    Linda will make an appetizer
        o    Mediha will make something

October 28 Mosaic Classs: 10 AM, cost $40.00

MCC wants to reserve this space on February 10th for a Steelhead Days event.  MCC will be using the kitchen, gallery, and outdoors.

Mediha will make a sign saying no one under the age of 12 is allowed in the food prep/food service area for the kitchen.

November 11: Remains of the day necklace class with Liz: 10 AM, cost $15.00

August 2018 : Writers workshop with George Wallace with dinner performance

Board Member elections:  
    •    Nancy Caster was elected Secretary with Lisa as a back up when she isn’t present
    •    Gil Saliba was elected Treasurer
    •    Sharon Grover was elected Vice-President
    •    Mediha Saliba was elected President
New officers will assume their position in January.

Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 7th

Studio 299 Meeting Notes
August 7, 2017

Members in attendance:  Mediha and Gil Saliba, Linda and David Lippman, Liz and Steve Brunner, Sharon Grover, Nancy Holberg-Castor, Michaela Walston

Old Business:

* Dinner was a success, but room for improvement
    •    Need to focus on more affordable dinners.
    •    The band loved the space

*sign class went well
    •    Mediha is making signs for the Studio 299 space

*Progress of the wall
    •    The wall should be complete in a couple weeks
    •    It looks fantastic! Thanks Gil and Steve for all the work!
    •    Student tiles will be placed on the back side in a space designated for students

New Business:

*August 26  bread class
    •    Would we like to give Nick a scholarship in return for all his help on the dinners?
    •    The board unanimously voted yes on the scholarship

*September 9 Tania Art Opening
    •    Luna Farms is possibly doing a Farm to Table dinner on the weekend of the 9th
    •    Do we want to talk with them and combine events? The board is interested. Mediha will look into it.
*September 16 Breast Health and GYN event 3-6 PM
    •    They paid $125.  We will set up and clean up
    •    Helpers need to be here at 2:00.  The gallery will be open until 4:00.
    •    Liz, Gil, and Nancy will help set up
    •    David proposes that different people set up and breakdown so that they don’t have to stay the whole time. Everyone agreed.

* October 6, Friday 8:00 PM Zuzka from Del Arte with a one- woman show
    •    Do we want to do something before hand? Pot luck?
    •    Board members agree to a potluck

*October 21 Martini tasting with Lynn Martinez
    •    Nancy suggested we make it from 6-8 PM
    •    Mediha suggested a pumpkin challenge. Best use of pumpkin in a recipe
    •    Nice appetizers to go with martinis
    •    This will be in place of the Harvest festival
    •    Michaela will see if a Mosaic artist, Dayna Cryder, would like to show on this evening. We could also have other artist booths
    •    Silent auction of a few art pieces
    •    Mediha will check with video Mike for music

*October ?, ginger beer workshop: still need to set a date
    •    Mediha will check with Robin about Oct. 14 or 28

Possible Happenings at the Art Gallery

*another mosaic class: date?

*sewing on Saturdays: anyone welcome
    •    First Saturday of the month 10-4.
    •    October 7 and November 4.  Skip December because of boutique. We’ll see about January.

*The back deck needs to be sanded and stained.
    •    Creekside will put it on the volunteer list and try to get it done by October.

*Liz suggests that we should purchase some fans for hot weather events

Studio 299 minutes

July 10, 2017


Present: Gil and Mediha Saliba, Michaela Walston, Nancy Holberg-Caster, Keri Raphael, Dave and Linda Lippman, Liz Brunner


Creekside report: School is out.  The new building is coming along.

School will officially begin on September 11. 

Theachers will be at a training meeting August 28th


Treasurer’s report:


Old Business:

*mosaic and margarita class went well


*dinner with chef Monique was a success. We had 36 people come to dinner.

Monique donated her services and food.  From money that was collected we paid the musicians, and the kitchen helpers.


New Business:

*July 22 sourdough class: Robin Day will offer a sourdough bread making class.

Cost will be $25.00 and participants will receive instruction as well as a sourdough starter and sourdough bagels to bake at home.  Proceeds go to the instructor with Studio 299 receiving 15% to off set kitchen costs.


*July29 Farm to Table Dinner

Marc and Londa Rowley are the chefs.  The dinner will feature a Gin cocktail and farm fresh produce for salads.  It will also feature and entre to include grilled fish and meat. 

Neukom family farm has offered fruits and vegetables so Marc should contact them.

Mediha offered to waitress.  Sharon Grover has offered to waitress.  Keri Raphael said she would check her calendar to see if she could waitress as well. 


Liz mentioned that she had talked to people who wanted to know where the money from the dinner went, and that there is confusion as to who Studio 299 is.  People seem to think the site is Creekside.

There was some discussion around this confusion.

Mediha suggested that the Board, when asked these questions, should explain that the site belongs to and is Studio 299-Center for the Arts, who rents space to Creekside Arts and Education, a Learning Center.  Events held by Studio 299 are to promoting the Arts and Arts Education in Willow Creek, and any monies raised by these events go to care of the facility and to continue the promotion of these arts. 

Creekside events are separate events by the Learning Center.


*August 5, Sign making class  10-12

                $15.00 includes all the  supplies and morning snacks.


August 5, Art Show Opening 5-8 for Tanya Laure

We will provide snacks and refreshments.

Tanya will have the main part of the gallery, but we need art for the back walls.

Linda suggested some paintings from Pat O’Hara.  She will contact Pat.              


Mediha asked if we wanted to continue with art shows or did we want to make the gallery more of a gift shop.

After some discussion it was felt that we wanted to continue doing 3 or 4 art shows a year.

Linda will try to find other artists.


*August 19 [?] do we want to do a pot-luck dinner before school starts.

After discussion with the teachers it was felt that August might be too busy with moving things to the other building and getting school ready.


*August 26  bread making class.  Mediha will check with Robin as to what kind of bread making class this will be.


*September 16, 3-6 Breast Health organization renting space.

                will need canned music.  David said he can organize that.

                The organization will bring food.

 We will provide refreshments and plates and table set up.

                What shall we charge?

After some discussion it was left up to Mediha to charge either $125. or $150 for the site and work needed to set up, wash dishes, and break down.


*Martini tastings? Lynn Martinez

The Board voted unanimously to have an evening of Martini tasting but to include an old movie. [Casablanca?] We will have to talk to Lynn to see when she would like to do this.


October: one-woman play by Del Arte

                about first white woman tattooed. Olive Oatman

                PG 13 with references to genocide and sexual language

                Performance is free, one hour, with back talk. 

Are we interested?

The Board voted unanimously to have Zuzka do her performance.

Mediha will call her and set up a date in October.

Tabled until next meeting.


*October, ginger beer workshop

*October Harvest Festival?

Next meeting August 7

Minutes June 5th, 2017


Attending:  Mediha and Gil Saliba, Lisa Ambrosini, Liz Brunner, Sharon Grover, Londa Rowley, Nancy Castor

Call to order 5:10


Creekside Report

  • Creekside is out of session, they cleared out their things from the gallery and kitchen.

Financial report

  • Not many expenses lately.  Ron James billed us for new posts and other wood work.
  • Steve Niece is ready to go on the donor wall.  The tiles are ready – they are beautiful! Waiting for one last order

Light Catcher class went very well. Everyone had a great time!


First kitchen rental went well, the same woman called to rent it again next weekend.

  • We want to have a board member stop by (“drive by”) to make sure things are closed up when people are finished.
    • Liz volunteered to do this for next weekend.

The gallery will not be open this weekend (June 10th)


We are having the kid’s art camp here the week of July 17th

  • All liability waivers need to be in ahead of time

We would like to be able to rent out the pottery studio soon.  (Creekside needs to move things out, but is waiting on the building across the street.)  We need to discuss how we want to do that.

  • It would be nice to have a few more wheels and a new (automatic) kiln

Sharon is doing another Mosaics and Margaritas class June 17th, 1:00 – 4:00


Jazz Night June 24th, 6 – 9

  • Monique cooking dinner
    • Appetizer:  fritters
    • Main dish:  homemade raviolis with cheese and mushrooms, pesto sauce and sausage to add separately.  Gluten free option of Gnocchi.
    • Desserts:  Tiramisu or
    • Should we do 2 seatings?  6:00 and 7:30
  • Music by Reverie
  • Bar section for people who only want to drink and watch the singing
  • We need beverage servers, food servers and dishwashers

We still need a chef for the July 29th Jeff DeMark dinner


September 16th or 23rd we are hosting a Cancer Survivor event by Breast Helath & GYN organization.

  • They need live music, no singing
  • They want to have refreshments and light snack but they can bring them.

Nancy brought up the idea of a fabric printing/embroidery class of some type, taught by April Sproule.  She will look into it.

Sharon Grover offered to do a sign making class

Ron James could do a planter making class

Robin Cape has offered to do a bread baking class.


Next meeting is scheduled for July 10th (since the first week is too close to the 4th of July)

Meeting Notes May 1, 2017

Attending:  Mediha and Gil Saliba, Lisa Ambrosini, Michaela Walston, Steve Brunner, Sharon Grover, David and Linda Lippman, Nancy Castor

Call to order 5:00 PM

Creekside Report

  • We are planning to move our things out of the kitchen and gallery in June.
  • Harvest Festival as an evening event with childcare across the street? Yes, it will be in the evening with food and cocktails.
  • Next spring Creekside may do the Wildlife Fair as a school day event, and do a big Luau event instead of the open Wildlife Fair.

Financial report

  • We are in good shape, the building is finished!  We still have the donor wall to build, which will probably happen this summer.

Wildlife Fair went great!  Lots of fun, well attended.

Studio 299 made a little over $800 selling beer at the Bigfoot Supply/Farmer Brown party. Creekside made $800 plus the $300 invested in beer kegs.

The gallery will be open 10 – 4 starting this Saturday, May 6.

We are having the kid’s art camp here the week of July 17th

  • All liability waivers need to be in ahead of time.

Sharon is doing another Mosaics and Margaritas class June 17th, 1 - 4:00

 May 20th 1 – 4 will be the Light Catcher class with Steve Brunner

Dinner evenings here from the new kitchen each month this summer

  • June 24th, 6 - 9 with Monique
  • July 29th, dinner evening with Jeff DeMark.  We do not yet have a chef for this event.

Breast cancer awareness/support group wants to rent our space.  We voted to let them.

They too will have to have liability waivers and/or have additionally insured if they intend to make their lunches in the kitchen.  Contact person is Rose.

How do we determine who can rent our spaces?  How much do we charge?  We want people to be able to rent the spaces, but also need to make sure it’s worth it for us…

Next meeting is scheduled for June 5th

Studio 299 Minutes
February 12, 2017
Retreat at China Creek

Atendance: Linda and Dave Lippman, Michaela Walston, Gil and Mediha Saliba, Nancy Holberg-Caster, Londa Rowley

Old Business:

*March 11, 1-4 Rock Mosaic class with Sharon. $40.00
    fliers are ready. Cana from Chamber of Commerce won the gift certificate.
*April 8, 12-4 Wildlife Fair
    Gary Bloomfield will do a class for beginning adults and kids who want to join in.  Mediha will get in touch with Gary regarding supplies for the class, and questions on how many art pieces he will want hung.
    Creekside will supply lunch and fun, fancy drinks. {alcohol free event}
    Deb will be doing face painting
    Nature Joe and Wildlife Care will be coming
    Linda has contacted artists for bird feeders and birdhouses.  A power point presentation by Melissa will be shown on the big-screen TV somewhere near the Kindergarten room.  She will have a sign up for bird walks.

New Business:

1.    kitchen
Mediha and Michaela are getting paper work in order to rent the kitchen this summer.  Along with instructions on clean up and sanitation, renters should understand that they will need to pack their garbage out with them.  No food left behind either.
Mediha will check with Kay O’Gorman about a check-list she has.
Creekside will make an effort to make the kitchen a no-kid zone once the Ambrosini annex is functioning.

What are some of the events we would like to have using the kitchen?
Michaela suggested culinary dinner events, featuring food from different countries.
Mediha suggested soft music and food pairing as well as cooking classes, but
we need teachers and cooks.
Linda suggested Robin Day to teach sourdough bread making.
Nancy suggested Master Food Preservers for sauerkraut
Michaela suggested Sushi making
Linda suggested less than 10 students would cancel the class.
Dave suggested ways to charge: Pay the teacher and we purchase all supplies. Then charge a set amount for the class and we take the profit.  Or the teacher pays for everything, takes the profit and gives us 15%
We will all think about it and it may be that it will depend on the class.

If we need to do a no-kid Zone at an event it was suggested by Linda that we get an older DreamQuest student to watch the kids in a designated spot with amovie going.  We could pay the student and it would be a way to include DreamQuest.  Kids in the no-kid zone must be at least 5 years old and there would be a charge per child of $5.00.

2.    Pavers:  What do we call the Paver Wall and Water Feature?
Some suggestions for names were:
Friendship Wall
Thank you for helping build community
Thank you for sharing our vision of community
Building Community Together.
The last one got the vote.

3.    Update on office: Office has been dry-walled and painted.  It should be ready soon.

4.    plans for grounds:  
Gil and Gary are putting up wood fencing along the neighbor line where we can see into their back yard.  We will figure out art for that area in summer.
Gil and Gary will also run a wire fence from the top of the property to the storage shed so that we are fully enclosed and the neighbor’s dogs won’t get in.
We need some parental supervision so that kids do not dump their food on the grounds, most especially under the school storage barn and behind the gallery.

LUNCH by Mediha and then a craft project with coffee cups and sharpies.

5.    Do we want to be in the bigfoot parade?
We all thought it was a fun idea, but school is out and then we have no place to store the float.  The idea was voted down.

6.    Harvest Festival date: October 28, 12-4

7.    Christmas Boutique date: December 2 & 3   Set up Friday December 1
Nancy felt the community would like to have food on Sunday as well as Merna’s tamales on Saturday.  We will make an effort.  Michaela felt that was something Creekside could handle.

8.    Jeff DeMarc: July 29, Saturday 6-9 PM.  Jeff, and maybe others will do music and story telling, while the kitchen serves food and drinks.  We need to get a chef. We need put aside $250.00 for Jeff.
There was some discussion as to whether we would make the event child friendly, but some felt that young kids are a distraction in the small space we have for seating.  Again, childcare was discussed with a sitter, entertainment, and an option to purchase a child meal.  Mediha suggested the childcare be at the annex so children are not tempted to walk out and visit their parents.  We’d like to make it more like a Date Night for adults.

9.    Ideas for other  . . . things.
Mediha would like to see Studio 299 reach out to seniors and vets.
Are there ideas for an art project senior could do while they socialized over coffee and cake.  Some ideas were collaging, making cards, making journals in which to write their memoirs.
Vets could be offered a memoir class as well.
Getting participation seemed to be what most of the board thought would be a problem.  
Mediha will ponder this as she works the Saturdays starting in April.
Nancy suggested that if we did something it should not be every week but something people could count on happening say the first or third Saturday of the month.

10.    Dates for dinner Events we want to plan for this summer.  These events should also feature new art in the gallery.  Dinners will need a visiting chef and run from 6-9

June 24; 6-9

July 29; 6-9   Jeff DeMarc

August 26; 6-9

October 28; 12-4  Harvest Festival


Meeting Notes January 9, 2017
Attending:  Mediha and Gil Saliba, Lisa Ambrosini, Michaela Walston, David and Linda Lippman, Sharon Grover
Call to order 5:00
Creekside Report:
• Creekside is back in session
• Brick fundraiser is getting taken care of
Treasurer’s Report
• We are doing ok with money, the building is almost finished
Wildlife Fair is scheduled for April 8th, 12 – 4
• Michaela has calls in to Wildlife Joe and Humboldt Wildlife Care
 o Humboldt Wildlife Care can do a presentation, do we want to do this? Yes, what time?
• Gil and Mediha will call Deb about face painting
• Creekside will serve lunch, desserts and drinks
• We can set up the large tent if it is raining
• Gary Bloomfield is usually the artist, Mediha will contact him.  Should we have another artist?
 o It would be nice to have Gary do a caricatures workshop at some point during the Wildlife Fair
Mosaic Workshop with Sharon set for March 11th, 1 – 4pm
• $40 per person, all supplies provided
• Sharon will create a flier
• Studio 299 will provide drinks and snacks

Steelhead Days
• MCC is planning the Steelhead Days Willow Creek events in January.
• MCC is planning the Kickoff Party here at Studio 299 on Saturday, January 21st from 4 – 8pm.  This will include kids crafts, silent auction, Creekside kids doing a short singing performance at 5, and game tables.  MCC will be selling chowder, curry, and drinks, and Creekside will be selling dessert.
• MCC is planning to use the kitchen to make the soup for the Kickoff Party on Thursday, January 19th
• MCC is planning a movie showing at Studio 299 Friday night, February 3rd.
Studio 299 retreat is scheduled for February 12th, 10am – 3pm

Meeting Notes December 7th, 2016

Attending:  Mediha and Gil Saliba, Lisa Ambrosini, Michaela Walston, Steve and Liz Bruener, David and Linda Lippman, Sharon Grover, Nancy Holberg-Castor, Linsey Jones

Call to order 5:00
Creekside Report:
•    Community Cocktail Night was a lovely event. We made about $4,000, that will go to Studio 299 for building costs.
•    This is our last week of school before our 3 week winter break

Treasurer’s Report
•    Holiday Gift Boutique
o    We made about $1900 profit for Studio 299
o    Over $5800 was brought in, this was slightly less than last year
•    New building is still taking more money, but lots of people have been donating their time

Steelhead Days
•    MCC is planning the Steelhead Days Willow Creek events in January.
•    MCC is planning the Opening Reception here at Studio 299 on Saturday, January 14th from 1-5.  This will include storytelling, kids crafts, selling beer and wine and having the gallery open.  Ceekside kids are going to do a short singing performance, and Creekside will be selling lunch.
•    MCC wants to use the kitchen to make the soup for the Steelhead Stomp either Thursday, January 19th or Thursday, January 26th.
•    MCC is planning a movie showing at Studio 299 Friday night, February 3rd.

Studio 299 retreat is scheduled for February 12th
We want to get things on the calendar for the coming year, including
•    Liz’s bead workshop
•    Ron James’s woodworking workshop
•    Steve is interested in doing artsy hangers workshop
•    Art classes for seniors
•    How can we get different generations together?
o    Storytelling
o    Pictures/cards

Building is so close to getting the final.  We are hoping to have it finalized by January.
•    Should we put in a heater in the kitchen?
•    Do we want to add solar?

Two Rivers asked Mediha if she wanted to run the Holiday Gift Boutique in the calendar, but now charged for that… This was surprising, since we haven’t had to pay for that in the past.

Next meeting scheduled for January 9th

Meeting Notes November 7th, 2016

Attending:  Mediha and Gil Saliba, Lisa Ambrosini, Michaela Walston, Steve Bruener, David and Linda Lippman, Sharon Grover, Nancy Holberg-Castor Londa Rowley

Call to order 5:00
Creekside Report:
• Community Cocktail Night will be happening this Saturday, November 12th, 6-10pm.  There will be music, appetizers, drinks and a small live auction.  There will also be a Kid Zone set up in which kids must stay.
o This fundraiser will be a fundraiser for the building

New Building News
• Received temporary occupancy permit today!!
• There are a few things to do still, including the parking lot.
• 3 small sinks still need to be installed
• Health department still needs to do inspection
• Gate needs to be re-done
• It would be nice to have screen doors of some kind

Harvest Festival was a success, it was well attended, even with the rain.  Studio 299 made $400 on beer and wine, Creekside made $1,000 on food and non-alcoholic drinks.

Holiday Gift Boutique:  December 3rd and 4th
• Fliers are ready to go out
• Have 24 vendors already signed up
• We got a card reader so people can pay with credit cards
• David will take home the banners that need the dates changed
• Steve will put up the banners that are ready to be put up
• We need people to sign up for set up, take down, check out, etc
o Set up (Friday 10 - 12):  David, Linda, Gil, Mediha
o Artist Drop Off will be Friday 4 – 6pm
• We need signage made (Check Out, etc)
Holiday weekend schedule December 3rd and 4th
• Friday night, December 2nd, Santa Photos at Umpqua Bank 5:30
• Museum Bazaar
• Storytelling Saturday 1:00 at the library
• DreamQuest will be doing movie and craft Saturday until around 5
• Kiwanis are going to have cookies and hot chocolate during tree lighting
• Chamber of Commerce is doing the tree lighting.  They will do a countdown, and the high school will have singers there.

Steelhead Days
• MCC is planning the Steelhead Days Willow Creek events in January.
• MCC wants to have the Opening Reception here at Studio 299 on Saturday, January 14th.  This would include storytelling, kids crafts, selling beer and wine and having the gallery open.
• MCC is going to have the Steelhead Stomp on January 21st, and would like to be able to make the soup for the event in the new kitchen.
• MCC would also like to have a movie showing at Studio 299 Friday night, February 3rd.

Studio 299 retreat tentatively scheduled for February 12th
Next meeting scheduled for January 9th

Studio 299- Center for the Arts
Minutes October 3rd, 2016

Attending:  Mediha and Gil Saliba, Lisa Ambrosini, Michaela Walston, Liz Bruener, David and Linda Lippman, Linsey Jones and Nancy Holberg-Castor

Call to order 5:00
Visiting artists here who are planning to display art at the Harvest Festival.  They are going to publicize their art on display
•    Renee Calway does sculptures
•    Garret Johnson has plywood collage pieces

Harvest Festival, October 29th, 1:00 - 5:00
•    Beer and wine for sale.  Apple cider mimosas too.
•    Creekside will be serving desserts, and possibly a lunch.  We might have kids do a craft booth.
•    Apple press will be here
•    Giant pumpkin – Guess the weight
•    This event will be a farm and food focused event with art, music, face-painting, drinks, and snacks.

New Building News
•    3 small faucets are going to be installed outside gallery
•    We are not quite ready for a health department inspection yet

We will need a kitchen committee, think about who is interested in doing this.

•    Do we want to put in fake grass?  Probably yes, in the future.  Wood chips for now, until parking area is complete.

Holiday Gift Boutique:  December 3rd and 4th
•    Invitations already went out
•    Linda would like to do cards
•    Sharon would like to do a posters

Officers will remain the same for now, if anyone wants to resign or be on the board, let Mediha know.

Next meeting scheduled for November 7, 2016 5:00 PM

Studio 299 minutes
September 12, 2016

New Business:
Rental Agreement with Creekside was revised to show a rental agreement with Mattole Valley School.
Work Parties were really successful and a big thank you to everyone, board members, teachers, and parents.
Harvest Festival was moved to October 29 from 1-5
 We/Creekside will have lunch for sale
 Halloween costume will be encouraged for the event.
 DQ’s haunted house will be open that weekend for the older kids
Nancy, has arranged for someone to come and discuss the art of   canning.
We still need to decide what kind of art will go in the gallery.
1.  Building update:: The siding is on the building and it is ready for painting.  We are close to finishing. Nancy suggested we call the Health Department to make sure about certification
2. Creekside has requested a 3 faucet sink at the outside of the gallery. Mediha and Gil will check with Allen’s appliances to see what can be purchased.
3. As it gets closer we need to have some sort of rental agreement for the kitchen.  Mediha has researched agreements with North Coast Coop and Food Works on the coast.  They charge a $16.00 hourly fee with a minimum on 3 hours, plus a $75 a month community clean up fee for regular customers.  Storage space is also available for a fee.  The board felt this was all premature, but good to look into and be prepared for.
4. We need to call the Health Department and see what is involved to assure we are a certified kitchen.  Gil said he would call them.
5. We need a suggestion box for activities the community might want to see at the kitchen.
Linda suggested we also do a posting on the Willow Creek Bulletin Board so others in the community could participate.
6. Mediha would like to have designated space in the kitchen pantry, so that not only will there be space for  Studio 299 and Creekside, but also, community space.
7. Mediha called Humboldt Area Foundation about closing the account. E-mail did not initially go through, but it finally got to the right person so we will wait and see when they close the account and send us the balance to help with the completion of our building project.
8. We have extra gray paint and Lisa is welcome to use it in her project.
9. Pavers update:  Creekside is having a special meeting on September 19th .
a. Gil will call Steve Niece to talk about construction of the donor wall
10. Holiday Boutique – December 3 & 4
a. Linda would like to do cards .
b. Sharon would like to do a poster.
c. notices will have to be sent to participating artists by October 1 {Mediha will do this]
d. We need more art, but not any more jewelry
i. Nancy will check with Fire Arts
ii. Donna Nelson does soaps and canning

Meeting adjourned 6:15
Next meeting Monday, October 3

Minutes June 6th, 2016
Attending:  Mediha and Gil Saliba, Lisa Ambrosini, Michaela Walston, Keri Raphael, Steve and Liz Bruener, David and Linda Lippman, and Nancy Holberg-Castor
Call to order 5:05

“Work Party” went well, trailer and tree are taken out
Chamber Music at China Creek on August 13th at 7:00
 • Studio 299 is doing beer, wine and some desserts
  o Linda, Sharon, Liz, and Mediha will make desserts
 • Mark would like us to find a band to play before (6ish)
 • It is going to be an outdoor event, people can bring dinner

Tamara’s event is going to be June 18th at CSD.  She would like us to support it, attend it and/or let people know about it.

Misc. information:
 • Lots of dirt removal needed before foundation can be laid.
 • Cost $2,700 to get rid of trailer trash
 • Cost $1,400 to remove tree
 • Permitting all smooth
 • $1,100 has already been made from the brick fundraiser

Harvest Festival is re-scheduled for October 1st, 12:00 - 4:00
 • Should we ask Mirna to do lunch?

Linda presented the idea of an artist Co-op.  Open up what we do at the gallery to local artists.  Give them a place to meet and collaborate.  It might be a way to create community and bring in artists.  One night a month where artists gather?  Saturdays while gallery is open?  How do we support the artists in the area?

People have been asking for clarification of what the new kitchen building will be for.  It will be available to be rented out for cooking classes, food preparation for food truck or catering, people who want to prepare food to sell, DreamQuest wants to do cooking classes here.  Lots of possibilities.

We will not be meeting in July.  August meeting will probably be in late August.

June 18 Addendum: October 1 is Taste of Willow Creek. October 8 for Harvest Fest??

Minutes April 4, 2016

Attending:  Mediha and Gil Saliba, Lisa Ambrosini, Michaela Walston, Keri Raphael and Nancy Holberg-Castor, Sharon Grover

 Call to order 5:05

 Tamara Jenkins proposed a Spirituality and Art Workshop by Cat McAdams

  • For quiet reflection, sharing food and conversation and creating an art piece
  • 9 or 10 AM until 3:30 PM
  • Charge $20 per person, 15 people max
  • Potluck for food
  • We will get back to her

 Board decided that we never give answers at the meeting when someone presents, we always discuss giving approval and getting back to people.

 Creekside update form Lisa and Michaela:

  • Up to date on payments
  • We should have a finance meeting soon to discuss rent, electricity, etc.
  • Creekside Brick project going forward

 Wildlife Fair

  • Creekside report:  Wildlife Fair went great!  Brought in $1000 on food and drinks.  Garden club made $400 on starts. 
    • Any ideas for next year would be appreciated
    • Costume event (adults also?)
  • Studio 299 report:  Not very many Studio 299 people there
    • Made a little over $100 on raffle
    • Made some money on drinks and art sales

 Website Report from Keri – We will now have monthly reports and ask for input from the board

  • Two pages have been updated
  • The format is frustrating to work with
  • Keri would like all board member to look over the website and make suggestions or give ideas

 Donor wall (bricks): 

  • Several people are interested, 2 committed so far

 Building/site plans coming along – Very exciting!!

  • Fir tree is coming down on May 13th or 20th
  • Trailer is being taken out by May 20th
  • Yurt needs to be down before these days

 Who do we want to have as signers on the Studio 299 account?

  • Michaela Walston made a motion to remove Tamara Jenkinson and Sandra Sterrenberg as signers on the Coast Central Studio 299- Center for the Arts account.  Gil Saliba seconded it, and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Michalea Walston made the motion to add Lisa Ambrosini and Sharon Grover as signers on the Coast Central Studio 299- Center for the Arts account. Nancy Castor seconded it, and the motion was passed unanimously.

 Gil reported on fees for building and architect, property insurance, board insurance, and accountant for taxes.

 Do we want to be members of the Chamber of Commerce?  We used to be, but had decided to discontinue membership as the Chamber did not offer anything. The board decided to continue the wait and see if the Chamber becomes more viable. 

 Bird walk this Saturday, April 9th at 9:00 am led by Melissa Dougherty

  • She would like to do these on a regular basis

 Art show in July? 

  • Should we have the art gallery open during the beginning of summer?  It may be too much of a construction zone.

It was decided to keep the gallery open until construction begins and then to check with the contractor. We do not want children in a construction zone.

 Next meeting is scheduled for May 2nd, at 5:00pm

minutes 3-7- 2016


Attending:  Mediha Saliba, Lisa Ambrosini, Michaela Walston, Linsey Jones, Keri Raphael and Sharon Grover


Vote on Fire Safe Council posters

  • K – 2 grade Winner:
  • 3 – 5 grade Winner:  Nora Smith
  • 6 – 8 grade Winner:  Ava Ray


Call to order 5:20


Latin Dance cancelled

Bill Lewison reception cancelled


Creekside update form Lisa, Michaela and Linsey:

  • Up to date on payments
  • Wheel pottery class going well, 4 students, 2 more classes to go
    • each student is charged $35.00 plus $10.00 for clay.  Money goes to pottery supplies and cost of firing.

       *    Creekside will set up a pay-pal account for the future.


Treasurers Report

  • Our membership and donation letter received $3,000


Building/site plans coming along – Very exciting!!

  • Dennis Byrd is going to be our contractor.
  • Mediha has written grants, waiting to hear back.
  • Trailer must be out by May 15th.  We have an interested party.  He will let us know about arrangements.
  • Yurt needs to be down by May 10th


Wildlife Fair April 2nd 12 – 4pm

  • Humboldt Wildlife Care coming from 12 – 3
  • Wildlife Joe coming from 1 – 4
  • Creekside is making enchilada lunch
  • All species parade will be happening
  • No face painting, no alpacas
  • Featured artist is Gary Bloomfield, he will also be doing caricatures
  • We need to make our own fliers because David and Linda are out of town on family emergency. 

Next meeting is scheduled for April 4th, at 5:00pm

Meeting Notes for Feb. 7, 2016
Retreat and 2016 Visioning
Members present: Mediha and Gil Saliba, David and Linda Lippman, Michaela Walston, Londa Rowley, Nancy Holberg-Caster
Old Business
February 13: Uncorkded. Guided painting class. 10 signed up.
Steelhead Days: Biologist talks on river restoration, although not well attended was very informative.
New Business:
Gallery to be open 10-4 on Saturdays starting in May 7.
• No featured artist. A display of local arts and crafts to sell starting in June
• Mediha would like to have small workshops on Saturdays
• Would anyone like to host a class or kid’s art workshop
Construction will begin in May with trailer and tree removal
• Someone hopes to take the trailer in May
• We are waiting on plans from Joan Briggs
• It will by a 1000 sq ft building with a commercial kitchen and small conference room downstairs and storage upstairs
• The backyard will be leveled for a patio spot by the garden.

Creekside Report
• Creekside would like to do a “brick by brick” fundraiser.  4 inch bricks $500, 8 inch brick $1000.  We will sell them at the Wildlife Fair and Summer Fundraiser.  We will also do a mailing.
• How do we target people with different affordability?
• Different levels: $500 and $1000 get a name on brick, a plaque for other levels
• Mailer should have all the levels, but we should target individuals for the bricks. Mailing should be the CSD list plus Studio 299 list.

Wildlife Fair April 2, 12:00-4:00
• Creekside is selling an enchilada lunch
• Nature Joe, Hum. Wildlife, and the Alpacas are confirmed to this event
• There are currently no artists confirmed
• Nancy will ask Paula about a wildlife art
• Mediha will call Gary Bloomfield and Patricia Sennott
• Play canned music and check with the Deacon girls
• We should make the entryway through the gallery so that the artists are featured.  Last year all the action was outside.

Harvest Festival:  September 24

Holiday Boutique:  Dec. 3 and 4

Other possible events:

• Music Concert at China Creek Cottages. Still need help with bands. Ask MCC and Creekside families.

• Lucia would like to have a monthly latin dance night at the gallery. Members agree this would be fine. Should there be a board member at each class? 

Other Discussion:
• Members feel that we need a more noticeable open sign.  David will look into a vertical sign to attach to the sandwich board and a Studio 299 banner for the fence.
• The Lippmans suggest featuring Burro Bill at a brief event on Sun. March 20.  They will ask him for a list of supporters.

Next Meeting March 7
Londa will bring China Creek calendar to talk about music event dates

Londa sent possible event dates:
July 2, July 16, July 30
August 13, August 20, August 27

Minutes Studio 299
January 4, 2016
Present: Linda & Dave Lippman, Nancy Caster, Londa Rowley, Sharon Grover, Nadia Hosking, Gil & Mediha Saliba

• Linda Lippman made a motion to have Nancy Caster as a new board member to take the place of resigning Gina Costa.  Gil Seconded. Passed 7:0

• Treasurer’s report:
Holiday Boutique was again successful.  All artists were paid.

• Steelhead Days:
David is doing the advertising and the community is coming together nicely.

Events include:
January 22, 5:30-7PM Welcome at Coho Cottages-sponsored by the Chamber

January 23, 5:00 PM Farm to Table Dinner at China Creek, $100.00

January 30, 10-12 DQ for panel talks, 1-3PM Studio 299 Gallery for art and movie. Yurok will do fish prints with children.

January 30, 4:00PM Dinner-Dance & auction at Country Club, $15.00
We should all try to go to something and support this event.

We need to put up the Studio 299 signs on Friday and take them down on Sunday.

*  The annual Studio 299 Retreat and Potluck will be Sunday, February 7, 11-4     
We will set the calendar, so bring the dates of events.

• Uncorked with John Garrett and Susan Alexander will be Saturday, February 13, 1-5 PM.  Cost is $36.00 and the Weaverville Artists will bring all supplies and food.  David will so posters and get them out.

Meeting Notes November 30, 2015
Attending:  Mediha and Gil Saliba, Lisa Ambrosini, Steve and Liz Brunner, Linda and David Lippman, Nadia, Londa Rowley, Cindy Townsend
Call to order 5:00
Creekside update form Lisa, Michaela and Linsey:
 • Garden program and pottery program are both going great
 • Creekside will be out of school for Winter Break from December 18th through January 10th
Treasurer’s report read by Gill
 • Made about $250 from Studio 299 Uncorked
 • Made some money from memberships
Studio 299 Uncorked was a great success!!
Holiday Gift Boutique report from Linda:
 • Publicity is done, signs and banners are up
 • We need to figure out what signs we need at the event
 • Mountain Community and Culture (MCC) is going to be greeting people at Umpqua’s pictures with Santa on December 4th, telling them about events going on that weekend.  Our Gift Boutique will be promoted there. 
 • Merna is going to be doing lunch on Saturday – tamales and papusas.  People can pre-order tamales to take home and freeze if they want.
 • How many people do we need working?  Around 6
  o Greeter
  o Refreshments
  o Selling raffle tickets
  o Someone on the floor
  o 2-3 people on checkout
 • Liz has some baskets for people to use for shopping, but we need a few more.  Liz or David will get them.
 • Cindy can do gift wrapping
 • Refreshments – several people are bringing cookies, Liz and Steve are bringing hot thermoses, hot chocolate packages, cream, and coffee.  We have hot and cold cups. 
 • Liz made two raffle baskets, one for each day.
 • We need tables (lots!)
 • Nancy has tablecloths, Mediha, Linda and Liz will bring some too.
 • We need pop up tents.  Liz and Steve will bring 2,
 • Holiday music – David and Linda have some, if people could bring more that would be nice.
 • Cindy will bring a mannequin that can hold an Exit sign.
 • 26 artists
 • When checking out, especially if it’s busy, just write receipt, we can go through the inventory list later.
 • If people buy an item and want us to hold them, we need to take them off the floor.
 • It would be great if next year we could take charge cards.
Painting workshop February 13th
 • Cost is $36 and will cover all the food and drinks
Retreat at Londa Lodge February 7th 11am – 4pm
Monday afternoon pottery class with Lisa
 • Starting in January (after winter break) Mondays 3:30-5
 • $35 for a 5 week class, people need to buy bags of clay
Building/site plans coming along – Very exciting!!
Steelhead Days: January 22nd – February 6th
 • Mountain Community and Culture is the non-profit partner for the Willow Creek activities for Steelhead Days.  Activities planned so far include:
  o Friday, January 22nd – Opening reception co-hosted by the Chamber of Commerce
  o Saturday, January 23rd – Farm to table dinner at China Creek Cottages
  o January 23rd and 30th – Story and craft hour at Willow Creek Library
  o Saturday, January 30th – Community dance and dinner at the golf course
 • Museum may be open, is going to donate a raffle basket
 • MCC is looking for donations for a silent auction to be held at the dinner and dance
Next meeting is scheduled for January 4th, at 5:00pm

Studio 299 Minutes
November 2, 2015
Attending:  Mediha and Gil Saliba, Lisa Ambrosini, Steve and Liz Brunner, Linsey Jones, Nancy Bulberg Caster, Linda and David Lippman, Michaela Walston, Charlotte, Londa Rowley
Call to order 5:05
Creekside update form Lisa, Michaela and Linsey:
 • Creekside is having a farm to table dinner with music and auction on November 12th. 
 • Pottery has been going great, kids are creating things, and throwing on the wheels.
 • Garden program is going great and being run by Jacques. 
Treasurer’s report read by Gill
 • Made about $700 at the Harvest Festival
David informed us about the fund raising mailer they did for Redbud, Studio 299 is planning to do this in January.
Holiday Gift Boutique report from Linda:
 • Mountain Community and Culture (MCC) is going to be greeting people at Umpqua’s pictures with Santa on December 4th, telling them about events going on that weekend.  Our Gift Boutique will be promoted there.  It will also be promoted on the water bills, and by the Chamber of Commerce.
 • MCC might be doing lunch somewhere central (DreamQuest?), if not, Mediha will call Mirna to do lunch again.
 • Committee:  Linda, Nancy, Mediha, Liz, and Nadia
 • Committee is meeting Wednesday, November 11th at 5pm
 • Put up signs ASAP
Studio 299 Uncorked:  November 13th at 6:30
 • People need to sign up
Painting workshop February 13th
 • Cost is $36 and will cover all the food and drinks
Retreat at Londa Lodge February 7th 11am – 4pm
Monday afternoon pottery class with Lisa
 • Starting in January (after winter break) Mondays 3:30-5
 • $35 for a 5 week class, people need to buy bags of clay
Building/site plans coming along – Very exciting!!
Steelhead Days: January 22nd – February 6th
 • Humboldt Lodging alliance is funding Steelhead Days, which includes a fishing competition and many local events.
 • Goal is to raise awareness of rivers, fisheries, etc. in the area.
 • MCC is the non-profit partner for the Willow Creek activities for Steelhead Days
 • Want many organizations to participate in this event
 • Studio 299 could have fish art or river art.  We could have art workshop, or have kids run an educational booth...
 • Studio 299 will be open on January 30th fro the steelhead event.
Next meeting is scheduled for November 30th, at 5:00pm

Meeting Notes October 5, 2015

Attending:  Mediha and Gil Saliba, Lisa Ambrosini, Steve and Liz Brunner, Nancy Bulberg Caster, Linda and David Lippman, Linsey Jones, Patty Reeb, Sandra Sturrenberg, Michaela Walston, Keri Raphael, Ginnie Tussy, Ros , Londa Rowley

Get food, call to order 5:15

Introductions of all present

Approved September minutes

Linda discussed the positive changes of the past year

  • Great energy from new board members
  • Holiday Gift Boutique went great and made money
  • Board member retreat was a fun way to plan the year
  • Wildlife Fair with Creekside in March was a great event
  • Kids’ art show was great, gave kids another opportunity to display art and brought many new people to the gallery
  • Invited a visiting artist, which also brought new people, including museum folks
  • Harvest Fest in October was successful! The place looked beautiful, lots of things to do, everyone had fun!
  • Became more connected to the community
  • Worked together more with Creekside, which was great for both Studio 299 and Creekside.
  • Extended gallery hours, added a “get to know the artist” time, which has been positive.

Elections – Ballots handed out, new nominees asked for, added Linsey Jones as a board member, ballot unanimously approved as follows:

  • President – Mediha Saliba
  • Vice President – Sharon Grover
  • Secretary – Lisa Ambrosini
  • Treasurer – Gil Saliba
  • Publicist – Dave Lippman
  • Webmaster – Keri Raphael
  • Board Members
    • Linda Lippman
    • Michaela Walston
    • Nadia Hosking
    • Patty Reeb
    • Liz/Steve Brunner
    • Marc/Londa Rowley
    • Linsey Jones
Studio 299 Uncorked – Friday, November 13th
  • Social evening with a variety of art happening:  Beading, jewelry, watercolors, etc.
  • Publicity:  Fliers, publicize this on Facebook, the calendar, etc.

Artists in Weaverville do workshops called “Winey Painters,” they offered to do a workshop here.  Their workshops are a four hour guided painting class.  $35 per person.

Holiday Gift Boutique is going to be December 5th and 6th.  Linda will be coordinating this event. 

What are some of the goals of visions we have for the gallery and outside space?

  • Sound boards for the gallery
  • Wireless projector and electric screen
  • More outside covered space

How can we communicate better with other groups?  Help each other with publicity and coordinate activities together.

Meeting adjourned at 6:15

Next meeting is scheduled for November 2nd, at 5:00pm

Meeting Notes for September, 2015

Members present: David and Linda Lippman, Michaela Walston, Lisa Ambrosini, Liz and Steve Brunner, Keri Raphael, Linsey Jones, Nadia Hosking, Sharon Grover, Mediha and Gil Saliba

Old Business:
•    Approved last months minutes.

Treasurer’s Report given by Gil Saliba

Creekside Report:
•    School starts Sept. 8
•    Thanks to the Lippmans for power washing the tables and yurt
•    Wildlife Fair is confirmed for April 2, 2016.  Nature Joe and Humboldt Wildlife Care are confirmed.

Harvest Festival:
•    All board members should be here by 12:00
•    The band has been confirmed
•    Linsey got a keg donated from Redwood Curtain
•    Mediha and Gil will serve tacos
•    Creekside is bringing salsas and desserts
•    Lucia is coming with a booth
•    Lippmans are bringing cider press, Hess is donating apples
•    Liz will run gallery so Mediha can deal with food
•    Booth set-up at 12:00
•    Linsey will help with face paint organization
•    Nadia will be inside gallery during the event
•    The new show will be hung on Friday. Mediha, Gil, Sharon, Linda and Liz will be there.  
•    Gil is bringing wine.  Steve will pour wine.
•    Donation jars only for food.  Suggested donation of $4 for beer and wine.  

Linda handed out sample ballots for board members to look at and approve.
•    Gil and Linda will be part of a nominating committee
•    Keri will continue as Webmaster, but is interested in improving the website.  
•    Lisa will continue as secretary
•    David will be Publicist
•    Mediha will be Workshop Committee
•    Linda will be Gallery Committee with Nadia
•    Lisa recommended Joel for building a new website. Lisa will put Joel in contact with Keri. We would also like him to improve the logo.  

Next Meeting:  October 5- Potluck

Ideas from Mediha
•    Take a book, leave a book shelf out front
•    Nov. 13 Beading Party with desserts and wine 6:30 (cost $15)

Meeting Notes August 3, 2015
Attending:  Mediha and Gil Saliba, Lisa Ambrosini, Gina Costa, Nadia, Linda and David Lippman, Linsey Jones, Patty Reeb, Charlotte Sprague
Call to order 5:05 P.M.

Approved July minutes

Treasurer’s Report from Gil – Made a little money at the Chamber Music event

Creekside Report
  • Creekside moved the climber and got new wood chips
  • Creekside goes back to school Sept. 8th
Motion to move the September board meeting to August 31st.  Motion approved.

August board members potluck was possibly going to happen at China Creek Cottages on August 15th followed by music.  Is this still happening?  Let’s skip this for now.

Harvest Festival – Saturday, September 12th
  • What is our vision for this event?  Music, food, drinks, farmers selling produce,
  • What time should it be?  1-5pm
  • In the gallery:  Quilts, pieces made by Gil and Mediha,
  • What is going to happen outside?  Face-painting, music, food and drinks, apple press, samples of local canned goods,
  • Dreamquest is also going to participate in this
  • Harvest Festival committee:  Gil, Linsey, Lisa, Michaela, Mediha, and Linda will be on the committee.  Committee will meet Tuesday, August 11th at 1:00pm.  Committee will figure out:
    o Farmers coming to sell produce
    o Music
    o Food and drink sales
    o Canned good sampling (voting?)
    o Site layout
    o Publicity

Change the layout of the flow for larger gallery openings and events.  Open the front double doors and have greeters standing there when people come in the gates.  Have raffle tickets sold inside the gallery instead of at the front.

Taste of Willow Creek – Saturday, October 3rd

Art camp is happening next week, Monday-Friday.  Lisa, Michaela or Linsey will be here Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.  Mediha will be here Thursday.  We need to very clear about the rules at the site.  Should the gallery be locked?

Restructure the duties and titles of board members for the next election.  The board discussed eliminating vice presidency, reducing the responsibilities of the president, adding event coordinators for each event.  Do we want to have a workshop coordinator?

Meeting adjourned at 6:20

Next meeting is scheduled for August 31st, at 5:00pm

Meeting Notes August 3, 2015


Attending:  Mediha and Gil Saliba, Lisa Ambrosini, Gina Costa, Nadia, Linda and David Lippman, Linsey Jones, Patty Reeb, Charlotte Sprague


Call to order 5:05 P.M.


Approved July minutes


Treasurer’s Report from Gil – Made a little money at the Chamber Music event


Creekside Report

  • Creekside moved the climber and got new wood chips
  • Creekside goes back to school Sept. 8th


Motion to move the September board meeting to August 31st.  Motion approved.


August board members potluck was possibly going to happen at China Creek Cottages on August 15th followed by music.  Is this still happening?  Let’s skip this for now.


Harvest Festival – Saturday, September 12th

  • What is our vision for this event?  Music, food, drinks, farmers selling produce,
  • What time should it be?  1-5pm
  • In the gallery:  Quilts, pieces made by Gil and Mediha,
  • What is going to happen outside?  Face-painting, music, food and drinks, apple press, samples of local canned goods,
  • Dreamquest is also going to participate in this
  • Harvest Festival committee:  Gil, Linsey, Lisa, Michaela, Mediha, and Linda will be on the committee.  Committee will meet Tuesday, August 11th at 1:00pm.  Committee will figure out:
    • Farmers coming to sell produce
    • Music
    • Food and drink sales
    • Canned good sampling (voting?)
    • Site layout
    • Publicity


Change the layout of the flow for larger gallery openings and events.  Open the front double doors and have greeters standing there when people come in the gates.  Have raffle tickets sold inside the gallery instead of at the front.


Taste of Willow Creek – Saturday, October 3rd


Art camp is happening next week, Monday-Friday.  Lisa, Michaela or Linsey will be here Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.  Mediha will be here Thursday.  We need to very clear about the rules at the site.  Should the gallery be locked?


Restructure the duties and titles of board members for the next election.  The board discussed eliminating vice presidency, reducing the responsibilities of the president, adding event coordinators for each event.  Do we want to have a workshop coordinator?


Meeting adjourned at 6:20


Next meeting is scheduled for August 31st, at 5:00pm

Meeting Notes June, 2015

Attending:  Mediha and Gil Saliba, Lisa Ambrosini, Sharon Grover, Sandra Sterrenberg, Patty Reeb, Linda and David Lippman, Michaela Walston, Londa Rowley.

Absent: Gina Costa, Liz and Steve Brunner, Nadia Hosking, Linsey, Keri Raphael

Call to order 5:00 P.M.
Approved May minutes

Treasurer’s Report from Gil – Things are about the same

Creekside Report:
• Our school crest (logo) is finished!
• Creekside’s website will be up within the month
• School is out for summer
• We mentioned to parents about coming on Saturdays to do yard work projects, we need to have specific projects in mind
• Garden in back is planted, Dennis will set up irrigation soon
• Wildlife Fair is planned for April 2nd
    o Do we want an alpaca here? Yes

June Events
• June 13th:  Kids art show 5-8pm
    o Music performance by Ayla and Ariana Deacon – Michaela will ask what time they want to play and where
    o Food – fruit (Sharon), cheese and crackers (Patty and Michaela), bread and spread (Linda and David)
    o Drinks – juice, lemonade, no alcohol since it’s a youth show
    o Gil will be in charge of drinks at the event
    o Liz is going to do a raffle basket
    o Posters and publicity
    o Hang the show Friday at 10:00

July Events:
• Thursday, July 9th – Chamber Music performance at China Creek at 7:00pm.  Studio 299 is going to have a concessions booth.
    o Profits from concessions will go to Studio 299
    o What do we want to sell?  Beer, wine, non-alcoholic drinks.  Desserts? Savory item?
    o Who wants to work the event?  We will figure this out at the July meeting
    o Marc needs help with 2 dinners for the musicians, July 7th and 8th – approximately 10 people to feed.  Email Marc about helping with this.
• July 11th – Art Opening
    o Mike Nelson – Logging and shipping paintings
    o Margaret Wooden – Historical photographs

August : Rather than another opening, we’ll have a potluck gathering.  Invite former board members.  July show will be up through the end of August

• Do we still want to do a harvest event?  We need someone to help coordinate this event.  The focus will be on tasting locally grown foods.
• “Taste of Willow Creek” event is going to be September 26 at the golf course

• Rozz Sat. June 20th  Hand building class (5 sessions) , $95 will include glaze and firing.  Mediha will work with Rozz on flier.
• Nadia may not be able to do sewing workshop.  Mediha may teach it with the help of Sharon.  It will be on Saturdays during open studio.

Next meeting is scheduled for the first Monday of July (July 6th), at 5:00pm

Meeting Notes May 4, 2015

Attending:  Mediha and Gil Saliba, Lisa Ambrosini, Sharon Grover, Nadia, Michaela Walston, Linsey Jones

Call to order 5:05 P.M.
Approved April minutes

Treasurer’s Report from Gil – Ahead for first quarter, doing well

Creekside Report:
• Spring Fling was a success!  Creekside made around $5,000 on food, drinks, and the auction.
• Michaela picked up plants from Flying Blue Dog, we are going to plant the back beds this week.
• Linsey reported on her new role with Creekside and Studio 299 – Friends and Families of Creekside (FFC)

Update on Salsa Dancing
• Jerry and Theresa are not available in September or October
June Events
• Sandra is organizing a kids show June 13th 5-8pm.  Does Creekside want to display kids’ art?
• Should we have a simple celebration for Sandra?

July Events:
• Thursday, July 9th – Chamber Music folks will be doing an evening performance at China Creek.  Studio 299 is going to sell beer and wine.
• July 11th – Art Opening.  Mike Nelson has confirmed. How many photos does Margaret have?
Scheduling Saturday Gallery Sitting
• Mediha is happy to sit at the gallery days she is available.  Mediha will not be available May 30th, she will talk with Linda and Liz.

Summer Workshops
• Mediha talked with Roz about doing a pottery workshop.  She is going to do a 5 week workshop starting mid June.  Classes will be Saturdays 10-12, mostly hand building.
• Jeremy Laros talked about bringing his glass kiln in and doing a glass workshop.
• Nadia is hoping to teach sewing workshops – hopefully kids workshops.  Maybe afternoon classes, 1-3 on Saturdays.  $20 for 4 classes.
• Judi is hoping to plan an art camp in August.  4 or 5 days in a row, with several instructors teaching different classes throughout each day.

Summer upkeep:  Creekside parents and Studio 299 members who are available will meet here at 10am on Saturdays to do small upkeep projects – garden work, etc.

Next meeting is scheduled for the first Monday of June (June 1st), at 5:00pm

Meeting Notes for April 6, 2015

Members present: David and Linda Lippman, Michaela Walston, Lisa Ambrosini, Sharon Grover, Keri Raphael, Patty Reeb, Londa Rowley, Steve Brunner

No treasurer report.  Gil Saliba is out of town.

Old Business:
Approved last month's minutes.

Creekside Report:
Michaela makes a motion to change the title of the Studio 299 account from Creekside Learning Coop to Friends of Creekside and to add Linsey as a signer.  Londa seconds the motion.  
The motion to change the name and add Linsey as a signer is approved.
May 1 Spring Fling
Lisa has been working out the glitches in the ceramics studio.  We would like, at least, 2 more electric wheels.  

Wildlife Fair Comments:
Better seating this year was helpful
The art gallery looked great
Most of the activity was outside.  Not as much inside activity.
How do we feature the artists?  We need a microphone for announcements.
Lisa suggests a raffle basket inside
Linda asked the face painter to return for the kid’s art on June 13

Gallery Sustainability
Gallery and school should support each other.
Events are more successful when the school and gallery work together
Work toward artists teaching classes for kids and/or adults

May 2nd Salsa Event 1:00-4:00
Jerry and Theresa will dance, show a short video on Cuban dance and dance again.
Lippmans will be out of town
Mediha will coordinate event, but needs help.
Linda suggests moving this event due to questionable timing and other problems.  Should we do the event, postpone it or cancel it?
Board approves the postponement of event to September.
Linda will call Jerry about rescheduling to September.

June 13th-Kids Art Show and Sandra’s retirement party
July 11th-History Month
August 8th-Board Members Potluck
September 12th- Salsa Dancing, Salsa tasting, Mexican food (Merna?)
October 10th- Movie?
November- No event
December 5th and 6th-Holiday Gift Boutique

Next meeting is Monday, May 4th
Discuss fundraising for more ceramic supplies. 
Maybe apply for a grant from Umpqua or Coast Central
Put up signs at Fire Arts Center

Studio 299
Minutes, March 9, 2015
Members present: Mediha and Gil Saliba, Michaela Walston, Sharon Grover, Keri Raphael, Gina Costa, Londa Rowley, Lisa Ambrosini, Pat Ohara
Old Business:
• Approved last months minutes.
New Business: 
• Treasurer’s report-Studio 299 has a new insurance policy that covers the contents of the buildings as well as liability and fire. The cost is less than our former carrier.
• Friends of Creekside:  Michaela and Lisa propose the formation of a committee called Friends of Creekside as a fundraising committee for the learning center.  The committee will be composed of Creekside parents who will also be members of Studio 299.
Michaela made a motion to create a committee called “Friends of Creekside.” Correspondence or letters to parents for donations will come on a Studio 299 letterhead
Sharon seconds.
 Passed 8:0
Gil noted that the bylaws state that subcommittee’s do not have to be a member of the board, but can if they chose.
• Board members voted on the winner of the Fire Safe Council poster contest.
• Wildlife Fair
Creekside will serve a tamale lunch.
Should we have wine and beer?  Studio 299 will offer wine and beer. 
Posters need to be posted.  Mediha will post them on Thursday. 
• Gallery Plans for the summer
Starting April 11, hours will be on Saturday from 10:00-4:00.  The community will be welcome for open studio.
• The construction project may get approval if the parking situation is resolved.  This may mean that the front fence will need to be moved in 4 feet.  The search for grants continue.
• May event:  Need to talk to Jerry about music for May event.  Lippmans will be out of town.  Mediha will talk to Merna about cooking.  Michaela will make margaritas “on the rocks”.

minutes 2-2-15

Attending:  Mediha and Gil Saliba, Linda and David Lippman, Lisa Ambrosini, Londa Rowley, Sharon Grover, Kari Raphael
Absent: Nadia Hosking, Patty Reeb, Steve & Liz Brunner. Gina Costa

Call to order 5:05 P.M.

Approved January minutes

Treasurer’s Report from Gil – Our finances are in a good position. People are responding well to the letter for donations. There are no big expenditures coming up until we begin the new building

We need to try to sell the watershed maps

Building Report:
•    Still dealing with parking before we can move forward
•    Joan is working on the parking issue, but it may not happen this summer

Creekside Report:
•    Confirmed Nature Joe for Wildlife Fair
•    Pottery studio is starting to be used as a pottery studio!

Wildlife Fair – March 28th, 12:00 – 4:00pm
•    Creekside will be doing food and drinks
•    Nature Joe is confirmed for 1-4pm
•    Artists:  Rheanne Lima and Daryl Warnock
o    Do we want Gary Bloomfield to bring posters to sell?  Mediha will contact him
•    We should let other schools know

May Events:
•    Creekside is having their Spring Fling and auction on Friday, May 1st
•    Salsa dancers for opening on Saturday, May 2nd?
•    We would leave up the art from April (wildlife art)
•    Sell food and drinks?
•    Creekside will make an announcement about Studio 299 event at the Spring Fling

June 16th – Kid’s show
•    Do we want to make this one earlier since it’s a kid’s event?
•    We will try to get DQ kids to do part of their play or dance, or . . .

July 11th gallery show – Local history
•    Mike Nelson is an artist from Concord, he does large paintings focusing on local history (logging, shipping). This will be an opportunity to introduce the idea of Visiting artists.
•    Margaret Wooden does art about history of Willow Creek

Do we want to do something special for people who have been a large part of Studio 299 in the past?

Gallery Committee will be setting a date to meet soon

Sign committee – Gil started designing a two-sided side for Country Club Rd that can have additional parts that can be added or removed.  Gil is going to get this idea to Ron James.

Mediha thinks we should start a workshop committee.  Linda will send out an email to see who is interested in being on this committee.  Lisa will help with organizing too.

Patty Reeb is stepping down from being the vice president

Redbud is doing a special performance for Valentine’s Day
•    Tickets $20/person or $35/couple
•    February 14th and matinee on February 15th
•    Tickets include Champaign and chocolates

Next meeting is rescheduled for the second Monday of March (March 9th), at 5:00pm
[we will meet the second Monday, just for this month, as many of the board will be out of town.]

Studio 299 Minutes

January 3, 2015


Present: Gil and Mediha Saliba, Linda and David Lippman, Steve and Liz Brunner, Gina and Dennis Costa, Michaela Walston, Nadia Hosking, Sharon Grover, Keri Raphael.


Absent: Patty Reeb, Londa Rowley


The annual retreat meeting designed to discuss Studio 299 activities for the year 2015 was held at the home of Mediha and Gil Saliba.  The meeting was called to order by President, Linda Lippman at 11:25 am.


Minutes for December were read and approved.

•It was suggested that after we send the minutes to the board members that they email back any changes within 48 hours.  At the following board meeting only the changes will be read. The board agreed unanimously.



•Paid their rent.



•The boutique was a great success and we doubled the sales from last year.

•The only problem we had was check out.  Some inventory was confusing.  We need to work on a uniform tag system so check out will be more efficient.

•All artists were happy. 

•Customers were happy because they art varied in price with affordable items.


•Gina suggested maybe we could spread the boutique area out to include the pottery workshop.  Perhaps artist who want to stay with their art can be back in the workshop area. This idea was tabled but will be revisited as the next boutique approaches.


•Sharon suggested we begin the boutique on Friday with Christmas music and cookies.

Would we be selling at that time too?


•Treasurer’s Report on boutique—

The boutique was a success with double the amount of customers,

thanks to the good weather.


Plans for 2015:


March 28 the Wild Life Fair

The art for this show will stay up through April.

Possible artists:

•Elizabeth Berrien does wire sculpture- is interested in doing the show if here.

•Daryl Warnock- does photography and will participate.

•Rheanne Lima- photography may be interested

•Suzy Sicard will bring her candles [just for opening and then some will stay in cabinet.]

•Creekside plans to do food

•carnivorous plant guy [Michaela will check on his participation].

•David will check in with Nature Joe to see if he can come.

•No bird walk this year.  We’ll do that as a separate event at another time.


May event:

•Creekside will do their auction dinner. [Michaela will give us date.]

•Do we want to do something May 2nd or 16th [may 9 is mother’s day weekend]

•Maybe do a birding thing?

•Cinco d’Mayo with Merna cooking?  Salsa demo?  Margaritas?  Salsa band?

•Plant exchange?


June- Sandra Sterrenberg will do a kids show

•Linda will contact Sandra to see how we will need to display the student art work.

•Linda suggested we contact Dream Quest to see if they would like to participate.

•Can Dream Quest do a kids music team?

•Is Creekside participating in some way?  Kids Bake sale?


July 11? [check for a good day] -  historical prospective.  Historical brew fest/

•Burro Bill

•Margaret  Wooden

•Different beers? Wine?

•Serve BBQ brats


ARE THE ROWLEYS DOING A “TASTE OF WILLOW CREEK”, OR SOMETHING LIKE IT?  IF SO, WHEN? That will determine what we do and where.


August or September [ask Londa and Marc if we can use the stage]

•Samba music on the Rowley stage. [Is this something the Rowleys would like for their guests at the cottages?]

•Charge a small amount and then sell beer and wine/ food.

•We need to see how much the band will change.




September:  FARM DAY

•Reach out to the farmers; Neukoms, Petterson, Fredrick, O’Gorman

•With all kinds of watermelon, pumpkin, tomato foods

•Landscape, flower, food art for the gallery?


October:  Movie night

•Find a good movie to show inside the gallery           

Donation jar at door.  Sell beer and wine with popcorn and pretzels


November – Fabric-Art Show


•rhoby’s art.  Ask Rhoby to bring her spinning wheel

•Linda Giliam and her knitters?

•Cindy Boilou


•Mushroom fair with mushroom apitizers and art?


December:  Boutique


New Construction for 2015

•We are starting the process for building a community kitchen.

•We hope to begin June 2015, but it may not begin until June 2016

•We have to get a variance for parking

•Steve asked if the new building will have a metal structure frame.  That might cost less and it would move the process along faster



•Linda would like more colorful signage for Studio 299

•We need the signs to be more classy and uniform.

•Sign committee will be Steve, Gil, David.


Logo committee:

•Linda, Mediha, Sharon

•We would like to add color to our logo



•We need a workshop coordinator.  Mediha volunteered.

•Gil and Mediha will work out the rental agreement for the different activities

•Ceramics class


            Michaela will call Nancy and ask about ceramic molds.

•Greenery [wreathe] workshop November end [Nadia and Liz will head it up}

            Wild grape vine for the wreathes


•Poetry and storytelling

•Bird walk – during the school year the kids will be a part of it.

                        Have an educational pre-talk and then go out into the field.

•Flower walk in May

•Mushroom walk –


Meeting adjourned at 3:30 pm.  Next meeting February 2 at the Gallery

Meeting Notes December 1, 2014

Attending:  Mediha and Gil Saliba, Linda and David Lipman, Lisa Ambrosini, Londa Rowley, Sharon Grover, Patty Reeb, Liz and Steve Bruner, Nadia, Keri Raphael,

 Call to order 5:05 P.M.

 Read and approved November minutes

 Explanation of events happening in Willow Creek this weekend

  • Bigfoot Auction
  • Pictures with Santa Friday at Umpqua
  • Christmas tree lighting Saturday

Facebook page – Willow Creek, CA Bulletin Board – people can post activities and events that are happening in and around Willow Creek.

Annual Retreat:  Saturday, January 3rd 11am – 3pm at Gil and Mediha’s house

Creekside Report

  • Wildlife Fair will be on March 28th
  • Creekside is organizing a food drive.  Food donation box will be in front of the gallery during the gift boutique
  • Creekside will bring all our tables to the gallery for the gift boutique

Holiday Gift Boutique Report

  • Sat. Dec.6 and Sun. Dec. 7. 10:00am - 4:00 pm
  • Advertising:  Announcements at stores in Willow Creek, on water bills
  • Friday set up time:  Noon for early shift (decorations) – Linda, Nadia, Patty and David.  2pm for others to set up tables, etc.  Artists are going to start arriving at 4pm
  • Decorations:  Wreaths, greenery, lights.
  • Tables:  Everyone should bring tables if they have them.  Creekside will bring all tables to the gallery.
  • We need tablecloths
  • Linda is going to get tissue paper.  We have small bags, but need more.
  • Liz has small baskets for people to use while shopping.
  • Complimentary drinks:  We will be serving hot chocolate, cider, and coffee for free.  Liz will bring hot water thermoses.  Patty is doing coffee, Linda is doing cider, and Liz is doing hot chocolate.  We have hot cups.  Patty will bring cream, Linda will bring sugar and spoons.
  • Complimentary food:  Linda is making cookies and bringing biscotti, Mediha and Sharon will bring cookies.  Saturday cookies only, bread and cookies on Sunday.
  • Merna Jorgenson will be making papoosa, rice and beans for lunch.  We will set her up outside and set up covered pick-nick tables to eat at.
  • We are going to sell bottled water and soda.  Linda will bring these.
  • Signs we need:
    • Drinks – bottled water and sodas $1
    • Lunch – Mediha will check with Merna to see if she needs a sign
    • Donation jars are here already
    • Check Out Sign
    • Entrance with arrow
    • Raffle Baskets
    • Trash and Recycling
    • Hot chocolate, Cider, Coffee
  • Liz is making raffle baskets
  • Music:  Outside as people are coming in, inside too?
  • Sat and Sun work schedule
    • Need people to arrive at 9am Saturday and Sunday
    • 1 greeter/raffle ticket seller, 2 at check out, 1 person inside, 1 person outside
    • Need people to be here cleaning up and checking artists out Sunday starting at 4pm

 Next meeting is the retreat January 3rd, 2015

Meeting Notes November 3, 2014

Attending:  Gil Saliba, Michaela Walston, Linda and David Lipman, Lisa Ambrosini, Londa Rowley, Sharon Grover, Patty Reeb

Call to order 5:05 P.M.

 Read and approved October minutes

 Treasurer’s report read by Gil.

 Creekside Report:  Jog-A-Thon went great! Creekside made over $3,000

Mass had his event last Saturday, November 1st.  It was a great learning experience in how to allow people to use our space for other events.

  • We need to decide how to let people use the space?  Do we:
    • Co-sponsor events with people and have a large say in how the event goes?
    • Do we rent out the space and let people run their own events, in which case we need guidelines for renting?  Gil put together a rental agreement

 Do we charge people to rent the space? How do we determine how much to rent the space for?

 Dates Board members will be out of town

  • David and Linda are going out of town from Nov. 8 – Nov. 20.  Mediha is gone until Nov. 17th.

Gallery will not be open on November 29th due to Thanksgiving that week

 Report on Chamber of Commerce Meeting

  • David and Linda brought the idea to the Chamber of having the first weekend of December be a big shopping weekend, with tree lighting and businesses involved.  They thought this was a good idea.
  • Ideas included stores having a special sale and stores donating a small gift certificate that could be put into a raffle basket or auctioned off at tree lighting.

 Holiday Gift Boutique Report

  • Sat. Dec.6 and Sun. Dec. 7. 10:00am - 4:00 pm
  • Sent out invitation to artists that participated last year or at the Taste of Willow Creek.  People who responded received introduction/instructions, inventory sheet and artist number.
  • We want to build community, so Linda suggested putting up museum posters at the Gift Boutique so people know that that is going on as well.
  • New signs and banners will be put out by November 15th.
    • What size banners do we want? Do we want them double sided? Can we create them so that they can be re-used next year? Where will we put them?  Would it be better to get a metal sign that stakes in the ground?
    • Does the board approve expenditure of $100 on new signs? Yes
  • Next Gift Boutique Meeting scheduled for this Friday, November 7th at 4pm
    • Discuss music, food, raffle basket
    • How to follow up on invitation to make sure people received them.

 Next meeting is Monday, December 1, 2014

Meeting Notes October 6, 2014

Attending:  Mediha and Gil Saliba, Michaela Walston, Linda and David Lippman, Keri Raphael, Lisa Ambrosini, Nadia Hosking, Patty Reeb, Gina Costa

Call to order 5:05 P.M.

September minutes read and approved

New Business

Treasurer’s report read by Gil.
•    New building is complete, electrical work was more expensive than planned, but much of this is to set up for the future building, total expenses were about $25,000
•    Creekside paid $150 to cover rent and utilities
•    Jeff De’Mark show – We made about $300
    o    we should have intermissions for refreshments and mingling

Creekside Report:  Students did not stain fence, adults are planning on doing this at some point.  Creekside is having a Jog-A-Thon on October 22nd at Veteran’s Park

Mediha said it was a great year
•    Great board this year.  Mediha is grateful for all the help and unity and organization.
•    The events went great -

Voting in new officers and board members:  Motion was made to accept ballot as is, seconded, and passed by all present
•    President – Linda Lippman
•    Vice president – Patty Reeb
•    Secretary – Lisa Ambrosini
•    Treasurer – Gil Saliba
•    Board members:  Mediha Saliba, Liz and Steve Brunner, David Lippman, Keri Raphael, Nadia Hosking, Michaela Walston, Gina Costa, Londa Rowley, and Sharon Grover

Linda (new president) expressed appreciation for Gil and Mediha and all the work they have done over the years for Studio 299

We need to have gallery openings more organized.
•    Board members need to wear name tags
•    Specific jobs – someone at the door, someone serving wine, mingler, someone handling sales.  For the next opening
    o    Door – David and Linda will each do an hour
    o    Mingler and sales – Madiha and Nadia
    o    Serving wine – Gil and Dennis
•    Should be asking everyone present if they want to be on our email list – Mediha will create a form for this
•    We should have a sign for the raffle and a donation sign and jar for wine
•    Should we have tables out or put them away when the gallery is open? Put them away for openings, leave them out for other days the gallery is open. Leave some chairs here for people to sit in, but put them in nice grouping
•    Ask artist to talk about their art at a specific time during opening.  “Meet and Greet” with the artist at 6:00.

Mass came in to the gallery regarding his Nov. 1 event. He got the flyer approved be Mediha and Patty.  
•    Event is from 6:30-8:30.
•    He will have music and food.  
•    He wants in at 2:00 to set-up

Keri has done a fabulous job creating a new gmail address for Studio 299. Studio299Arts@gmail.com

There was discussion about how long a non-profit needs to keep their minutes.  How do we keep them?  Should we have a hard copy? Lisa suggests a flash drive to keep adding new files.

Holiday Boutique
•    When do we want to hold the event?
•    Linda suggests Sat. Dec.6 and Sun. Dec. 7. 10:00-4:00 (The Brunners will be gone the second weekend of the month)
•    Due to everyone’s busy schedule, we would like to have most things in place by the end of October so that Patty can just monitor the progress during Nov.
•    Can non-members sell at the boutique? No members should be charged for a booth at the boutique.
•    Committee will meet on Friday, October 17 at 4:00, at the Gallery

Linda is going to talk to the Chamber of Commerce about having a “Shop Willow Creek” weekend the first weekend of December

Gina brought in an announcement from the Small Business Development Center about the “Art of Art as Business”
•    Do we want to send this to the artists?  We should get more information from their website
Next meeting is Monday, November 3

Meeting Notes September 8, 2014

Attending:  Mediha and Gil Saliba, Michaela Walston, Linda and David Lippman, Keri Raphael, Lisa Ambrosini, Steve and Liz Bruener, Nadia Hosking, Patty Reeb, Gina Costa, Bill Lewinson, Mass [visitor]

Call to order 5:00 P.M.

New Business
Mass – Wants to display art and have a musical performance, food and drinks on (or near) Halloween from 5:30-8:30.  This will be a free event open to the public. He is going to talk to Pat about displaying art together. He wanted to do the one-day show for Halloween but Board said Saturday would be better, and he acquiesced.  We will not charge for the use of the space, as we want to encourage these events for the community, but we need to be clear about the following
•    We want to be clear that this is an art event, not a party.  
•    Studio 299 will have a donation jar out
•    10% of art sales will go to Studio 299
•    Studio 299 board members will be present as in any opening

Treasurer’s report read by Gil.
•    We received a $500 donation from China Creek Cottages—post Taste of W.C.
•    Creekside gave $1,500 for new building
•    Creekside will be paying $150 per month to cover rent and utilities

Creekside Report:  School is back in session, Mon-Thurs.  Students are going to stain the fence on Wednesday.  Michaela wants to cut the fence into wave shapes and put fish on the outside.  This sounds good to everyone.  Crekside is going to schedule events for the year.

Board member re-elections are coming up next month.  All board members want to continue being on the board.
•    We need a gallery committee to schedule gallery shows, gallery sittings, and other gallery events.  Mediha said she will head this committee, Liz, Patty, Nadia, and Linda will be on this committee.
•    Patty Reeb nominated to be vice president
•    Gil could use a helper as treasurer. Gina is going to help
•    Mediha is going to continue mentoring Linda as president
•    Keri will continue to do website and will help with set up of new studio 299 email. She will also set up an email group to use for publicity. This would make publicity easier

Taste of Willow Creek recap:
•    Event was really long, and took a lot of work/volunteer effort
•    Artisan booths felt separate from the other event.  The lower area seemed to be the only place that vendors booths would fit.  Suggestions were to either have other food and drink vendors near booths, or move booths up top.
•    Suggestion to make more user friendly – have trash, bathrooms, water, etc – near booths
•    It was hot! Better to have it in September, have shade structure with tables
•    How to better publicize?
•    Needed more time and more volunteers to help set up
•    Do we want to do this event again? Vendors didn’t do very well.
•    Biggest suggestions:  Publicity needs to include more information, include what entrance fee covers, shorten the event, make sure there are several food and drink options, have more seating, don’t have event so close to Bigfoot Days, and above all have bigger and better signage.

Next Saturday, Sept 13th, is Jeff DeMark show at 7:00pm.  Redbud will be doing food.  Do we need a new raffle basket to go with the picture?  Yes.  We need to have someone selling raffle tickets.  We need to let people know about this event.  Board members should be here early, and invite friends.

Pat O’Hara’s event will be on October 11th, we will have a meeting before that. Mediha will get pictures to David.

Next meeting, Monday, October 6th, will be a potluck where we will elect board members and officers

Adjourned 6:45 PM

Studio 299-Center for the Arts

Minutes August 4, 2014


Attending:  Mediha & Gil Saliba, Linda & David Lippman, Keri Raphael, Gina Costa, Nadia Hosking

Absent: Liz & Steve Brunner, Emelia Berol, Lisa Ambrosini, Michaela Walston, Patty Reeb.


Calll to order at 5:00 PM


New Business:


August Opening is August 9th, 5-9 PM

     *Mediha will meet Renate and on Thursday morning for large paintings being brought, and on Friday for the other paintings and Patty’s paintings.

      *Stevie will also becoming at 10:00 AM to tune the piano.

      *For the opening Linda will bring the raffle basket. 

      *Gina and Linda will bring some snacks as well as Renate.

      *Nadia, Linda and Gina will take turns manning the raffle tickets.

      *Linda suggested we have to people working the gallery at all times to help with sales and also to mingle with the visitors.  Everyone agreed that was necessary.


August 16 is the Trinity Alps Music Festival, 7-9 PM

      *Gil will set up at the entrance. Members are free, non-members are asked for a $5.00 donation.

      *Board members will arrive at 6:00 PM to help set up.

      *Michaela is making all the desserts for the event.

      * We will need two tables one for wine and one for dessert.  There should be a board member at each table to help serve.  There will be donation jars for the wine and desserts.

      *There will be no raffle at this event.

      *Gil suggested that Mediha or Linda get up and speak a little about Studio 299 and what we are doing and where we are going before the musicians begin playing.

Everyone agreed that would be a good idea.

      *Linda and David will work out where the musicians will sleep that night- either at their house or their for-sale house.  Nadia has an extra blow-up bed if we need it.


August 23 Taste of Willow Creek 11-8:30 at China Creek Cottages

      *The Gallery will be closed since we will all be at Taste of Willow Creek.

      *We have 13 booths and a couple of those have 2 artists.

      *The musicians will have a stage and sound equipment. They will get in for free and get a food voucher for any one of the food trucks.

      *The booths might be a different location than originally planned because we want everyone to be in the shade. We will decide when we get there.

      *Linda suggested we make a raffle basket and include one of Chris Wisner’s photographs.  Mediha said she would get in touch with Chris and ask him.

      *Linda will make a schedule of when different board members will work the Studio 299 booth.  Nadia and Patty said they would work from 12-3.  Linda and David will fill in, as will Mediha when she is not at the Cheese making demonstration.

      *Mediha will call Tamara and see if she wants to help.

      *The studio 299 booth will have posters from all years, and Sandra will be there to sign them.  There will also be non-alcoholic but interesting drinks for sale and wine glasses for sale.  Glasses will sell empty for $2.00 and $3.00 with a non-alcoholic drink.

      *David has talked to the wineries who will be serving at Taste of Willow Creek.  It was decided not to have too many wineries so that they could make some kind of profit while they were there.


      *David will do an interview with KHSU on Thursday and talk about all the Studio 299 events coming up in August.

      *David will also see about getting information into the Emerald Magazine.

      *Mediha will email Jane Belden in Weaverville to help promote the August events.



      *The first Monday of September is Labor Day. The board agreed to move the meeting date to September 8th.

      *Since there is no opening for September, the board agreed to leave the art for August up and extra month if the artists agree.

      * David will check with Jeff demark about his show on September 13.  Jeff may bring another couple of performers. 

     *David would like to talk more with Redbud about co-promoting and sponsoring Jeff so that we can begin to do more things together which will be good for Redbud and Studio 299.

      * For the September meeting we need to have a nominating committee as it is time for elections.  We also need to remind the officers of what there job entail.  Mediha suggested that perhaps we also need a corresponding secretary.  Mediha and Linda will get together to discuss some of these.


New Building

      *The new building is up.  Mediha will call the electrician and Gil will call Dave Grove Insulation or McKinney Building to get someone to spray insulation.


Meeting adjourned at 6:35 PM

Studio 299 Center for the Arts                                  7/7/14

Attending:  Mediha and Gil Saliba, Michaela Walston, Liz and Steve Brunner, Nadia, Gina Costa, Patty Reeb, Pat O’hara

New Business:

*Pat O’hara showed her paintings and her daughter’s photographs.  Board and Pat agree that her show will be in October

      -Mediha will get Pat the inventory sheet for her art

*Michaela suggests bringing music to our events to draw a more diverse crowd and increase attendance.
       -Gil suggested that Creekside find a music coordinator to help with this. Michaela will inquire about this at school.

 *Sonya Fe will do a 1-day show due to lack of theft insurance.

Liz will help hang art
      -Sundaes will be served for a fee.

Ice cream-Mediha




Whipped Cream-Gina

*Miscellaneous show for the rest of July.  Patty will see what she can bring.

*Summer will be invited to bring hats to the August show.  

*Mediha will try to get Taste of WC flyers to give out at openings.

*Suggestion box at all events to see what the community really wants.

*August 23: Taste of Willow Creek at China Creek Cottages

        -11 applications in for art booths, 7 confirmed spots

        -Mediha will email application to Keri to put on our website

        -Studio 299 will have its own booth with membership forms and non-alcoholic beverages.  Mediha wants to do spritzers. Michaela will have iced coffee and/or ice tea.

        -Drinks will be available in Taste of Willow Creek wine glasses with free refills.

*Work starts this Tuesday on foundation for ceramic studio

*The fence has been completed.

*Bob not present for map report

*Aug 16 Chamber Music:

        -Michaela is making desserts

        -Liz and Nadia volunteered to make desserts as well

        -Need accommodations for musicians. Liz and Steve have a travel trailer. David and Linda can accommodate 2.  

Meeting Notes June 2, 2014

Attending:  Mediha and Gil Saliba, Michaela Walston, Linda and David Lipman, Keri Raphael, Lisa Ambrosini, Emelia Berol, Steve and Liz Bruener, Gina Costa

Call to order 5:05 P.M.

 Old Business

  • Minutes for May read by Lisa and approved by board.
  • Bob received $500 grant money

New Business

Site Updates:

  • New Building:  Metal building 20’ x 20’ with awning
    • $6,500
  • Cleared out brush along fence line, Studio 299 is going to build a new wooden fence

 June opening Sat. 14th 5-8pm:  Kerry Winegarden and Will Stephen

  • Patty - hang Will’s art on Friday the 7th? Nancy is taking her work down on the 6th, so it would be nice to have art up for the 8th, when the Gallery is open
  • Raffle Baskets? Liz recommended hanging plant with pretty holder. Liz is donating her time and money to create the baskets.  Donations would be welcome.

Gallery Schedule

  • July:  Sonia Fey’s art.  Her husband, Arturo will do storytelling. It is not clear if it is with a book, and book signing. Mediha will follow up. Do we want to do an ice cream event? Is this a fundraiser? How should we do publicity?
  • August: 
    • Opening the 2nd weekend
    • Chamber music the 3rd weekend. August 16, Saturday 7 PM
    • Taste of Willow Creek the 4th weekend. The Gallery will be closed that day.
  • Nothing for September. Is this okay?
  • October:  Youth Art Show.  Open this up to other schools? Go through Dreamquest?

Report from rental of site committee:

  • Attempting to come up with a document that will cover people being able to rent out the space for different classes/events.
  • This may need to wait until there is a different building, since it doesn’t work for others to use the gallery while art is displayed.
  • Open art days on Saturdays? This may be all we can offer since this is when a board member is present.
  • We are just not ready to rent out the space when board members are not present.

Site Maintenance Report:  Creekside had a work party and got a lot done on the site

  • Back yard terracing is looking great, but they need more rocks
  • Small red art studio is cleaned out and organized, two wheels and a kiln are in storage there
  • One side of red shed is cleared out and ready for storage
  • Other side of red shed still needs to be cleared out

Studio 299 owns sound system equipment, do we need to keep storing this? Should we sell it? Decided that we will sell it, Mediha and Michaela will work on this.

Grant from Umpqua was rejected

Mediha wrote another grant to “What’s Up Willow Creek.”

Gina recommended applying for “underwriting” instead of grant writing.  We can underwrite events, music for openings, etc, and then we can publicize for them.

Saturday, August 16th is Chamber Music.  Member appreciation event.

  • This will be an evening event, free for members and donors, others would be charged. 
  • Gallery will be open, we will have complimentary snacks and dessert, and wine and beer for sale. 
  • Can we give benefits for people who contribute more?  This gets tricky

Taste of Willow Creek: August 23rd at China Creek Cottages

  • Starts at 11am.  Crafts fair will be going from 11-4
  • Event will include music, food tasting, workshops, and classes.
  • Mediha sent out information to all artists who have shown art here or been a part of Taste of Willow Creek in the past.  This included an application for an artist booth
  • David and Linda went and checked out the site to see where booths would go, etc.  They are also going to deal with fliers. 
  • Does Studio 299 wants to sell t-shirts?
  • Studio 299 is going to have a booth where we sell posters and t-shirts, and have information about Studio 299 and membership applications.
  • Each artist is in charge of their own booth and all of their sales.


Jeff DeMark wants to do another show.  We should pair this with other art.

  • Showcase of board members’ art?
  • We could do this the second Saturday of September

Meeting Notes May 5, 2014

Attending:  Mediha and Gil Saliba, Michaela Walston, Linda and David Lipman, Keri Raphael, Lisa Ambrosini, Emelia, Steve and Liz Bruener, Nadia, Deb O’Banks, Steve Nies, Gina Costa, Patty Reeb

Call to order 5:00 P.M.

 Old Business

  • Minutes for April read by Michaela and approved by board.
  • Steve clarified that, for the Taste of Willow Creek, the charge should be “per artist”, not “per booth”.

New Business

Treasurer’s report read by Gil.

·         Gil confirmed with Hum. Area Foundation that Studio 299 money could be taken out at any time. 

May opening Sat. 10

·         Mediha will be hanging art on Friday morning at 10:00

·         Sliding scale door charge

·         No drink tickets, purchase drinks at drink table.

·         Concern about carding for alcohol.  Creekside will check at drink table.

Who should be responsible for contacting previously scheduled artists?  Next month is Keri Weingarten with her bonsai trees.  Should the gallery organizers be responsible for contacts? Patty and Nadia agreed to take care of this. This will include the inventory list and other required paperwork.

Classes at the gallery?

·         Does a board member have to be on site?

·         Gina Costa states that anyone wanting to give a class at Studio 299 should take out a rider on their home owners insurance.

·         Gil read our Workshop Leaders Agreement to see if it addresses our concerns, the board decided it needed more work.

·         Would a waiver help with liability? But this doesn’t help with protection of artist property.

·         Steve Brunner recommends a meeting to address this topic alone. 

·         Steve, David, Gil, and Gina will be on a committee to address this issue.

·         We concluded that we are a few years out on a community classroom and will direct people to Dreamquest.

 Coast Central did not give us the $5000 grant.

 ·         How do we feel about a metal building?  They can be insulated.  The board voted, passed unanimously.

 Bob Wunner presented his watershed map for his grant request.

·         Wants to double what he gets from the grant, will seek other events where he can sell or talk about the maps

·         Wants to be able to provide the maps to schools

·         It might be nice to have a title so people know what they are looking at

·         Board approved Bob for this grant

Meeting dismissed for snacks and drinks!

Deb showed her jewelry, board members are going to email Mediha about approval.

Minutes April 7, 2014

Attending:  Mediha and Gil Saliba, Michaela Walston, Linda and David Lippman, Keri Raphael, Lisa Ambrosini, Emelia, Steve and Liz Bruener, Nadia Hosking

Call to order 5:00 P.M.

Old Business
•    Minutes from March meeting read by Lisa and approved by the board
•    Treasurer’s report:  Gil talked about what a great response we got from membership and donation requests.
o    We now have 55 paid members
o    Brought in extra donations

New Business
Wildlife Fair 12:00-4:00
•     Lori Fitzgerald, Gary Bloomfield, Peter Canclini, and Gil Saliba’s art.
•    Birdwalk led by Tom Leskiw – meet at Studio 299 at 8:30
•    Food - Creekside will have lunch, drinks and desserts for sale, Studio 299 will be selling wine
•    Humboldt Wildlife is coming – live raptors will be here from 1-3
•    Liz is going to make a raffle basket

Art Gallery Schedule:  Board members signed up for days Saturdays they can sit the gallery.
•    Starting this week, gallery will be open Saturdays 1-4
•    May opening will be an evening event  5-8
o    Creekside will have Tamales and Margaritas for sale
o    Talk of getting Compost Mountain Boys to play
•    Artist Morgen would prefer to show her art a different month than August, she is displaying her art at the Trinity Jamboree that month. We will find another month.

Taste of Willow Creek:  The committee is considering Saturday, August 23rd at the new China Creek Cabins.  Nothing certain yet.
•    Studio 299 will be charging for booths ($15 for members, $25 for non-members, plus percentage)

Site maintenance:  How do we keep the place looking nice (mowing, weeding, brush trimming)?  We will schedule a workday where people can come help.

Chamber Music August 16 or 17:  Evening venue, adult and kid friendly with “Peter and the Wolf”
•    This will be more of an adult evening, with drinks and desserts for sale
•    Those having donated over $50 will get in free, and receive one drink ticket (2 if a couple)
•    Members get in free, suggested donation of $5 for nonmembers

Weaverville Art Cruise:  June 7, 5-8.  The Trinity Art Council would like Studio 299 to participate with art exhibits.

Summer Workshops
•    Emelia has talked with a few people who are interested, she will keep looking into artists who might want to come out
o    Jewelry classes are fun for kids, jewelers who would come out? Kathy Chase?
o    Pottery?
o    Navajo weaving?
•    What do we want these workshops to be like?  Are they to help artists make money? Introduce kids to types of art? Focus on adult classes, kids classes, both?
o    Dance, cooking, crafts, etc
o    “Summer camp” style activities for kids?

Minutes March 3, 2014

Attending:  Mediha and Gil Saliba, Michaela Walston, Linda and David Lipman, , Lisa Ambrosini, Emelia, Renate Walker, Nadia, Nines Higuera, Patty Reeb

Call to order 5:00 P.M. 

New Business
Minutes from February meeting read by Lisa and approved by the board
Gill read treasurers report

Old Business
Mediha has not heard back about grants
Membership and donation requests were sent out, got a good response from them.
April:  Wildlife Fair 12:00-4:00
o Lori Fitzgerald and Gary Bloomfield art will be displayed.  Emelia will talk to Peter Canclini about bringing some art just for the weekend
o Birdwalk – meet at Studio 299 at 8:30, leave at 9:00am. Who will lead this? Rob Huitt? Garrett Watty?
o Food - Creekside will have lunch and desserts for sale
o Humboldt Wildlife is coming – live raptors will be here from 1-3
o Nature Joe? Look into what he costs, what he offers
o We need to publicize soon – Michaela is making a flier
o Do we want to do a raffle for a basket? Could include one of Gary’s posters

New Business
Renate Walker showed her acrylic paintings, as well as Patrick’s wood sculptures, for a possible exhibit.  Thistle paintings and backyard scenes.
Possibly for August with other Willow Creek artists

Summer workshops:
Do we want to use our grant program specifically for artists who want to offer workshops here over the summer?  This could allow workshops to be less expensive for kids, while allowing the artists to have money for supplies.
Joan Briggs has offered to do a four week watercolor workshop open to kids and adults
Mediha will contact Ron James about leading a workshop
programs should start in July since June will be taken up with construction of the workshop/lunchroom.

Membership:  What do we want to do for our membership? When?
Free cocktails and music event?
Have silent auction items and raffle in order to make back our money?

Chamber Music August 16 or 17?  Combine this with the membership activity?
Evening venue, adult and kid friendly with “Peter and the Wolf”
Musicians need $200-$300. Suggested donation at the door? Free to members, charge others?  Sell food and drinks, have raffle? Members get 2 free drink tickets.

Salsa with Nines Higuera
Start by June or July. Might be ready by May Fundraiser
Emelia will get in touch with Matt about working with Nines
Michaela will call Theresa Martinez 

May fundraiser
Evening event? 5-8? Tamales and margaritas for dinner?
Salsa right after

Weaverville Art Cruise asking for Studio 299 to participate.
Gil will exhibit is wood at Weaverville Umpqua Bank.
maybe bring Chris Weisner’s photographs also.

Minutes 2/3/2014
Attending:  Mediha and Gil Saliba, Michaela Walston, Linda and David Lippman, Keri Raphael, Lisa Ambrosini, Emelia Berol
Call to order 5:10 P.M. 

Minutes from January meeting read by Mediha and approved by the board

Old Business
Mediha has sent out three grant proposals for the Studio 299 workshop/lunchroom:  
US Bank, Umpqua, and Coast Central

Calendar of Events:
February:  Mediha talked with Marc and cancelled the Joanne Rand show.  He will try to do it at Kimtu.
March:  For spring equinox, should we do an informal bulb/plant exchange?
April:  Lori Fitzgerald and Gary Bloomfield will exhibit art, Gary will also lead a bird walk.  Creekside will do food, and David Lippman will check with Nature Joe? Michaela is waiting to hear back from Humboldt Wildlife Care Center.
May:  Nancy Ayers will exhibit and she will check back with Mediha about having friends to exhibit with her. Creekside will do food and margaritas.  A salsa dance class will also be offered.
June:  Kerry Winegarden. Peter Canclini. Ken Jarvela? 
July:  Sonya Fe and writer husband will participate with art and story telling.  Ice cream tasting – how do we charge for the ice cream? The ice cream will be made from local peaches, strawberries and maybe a sorbet with local Chardonnay. Michaela will check into this.
August:  Pie contest/pie pot luck with peoples’ choice award. Everyone bring a pie or $5.  We don’t have art yet.  Lisa will talk to Morgen 
September:  Textiles
October:  Kids art contest
November:  Fungus Fair.  Creekside is going to make mushroom food. Mediha will check with Larry and Cindy.
December:  Gingerbread house contest.  All schools invited

New Business
Promoting Membership
Renewal membership notices with return envelop.
Get email addresses of members to keep them posted.
What do members get for their membership?
1. Annual reception (appetizers, beverages, program), maybe 2 or 3 per year?
2. Free booth at Holiday Boutique
3. Preferred admission/discouts to events, classes and workshops
4. Buyers program? (Ray’s, Riversong, Ace Hardware, Target?)
a. we need to look into this.

Strategic Planning
Calendar of events should be in place by the end of January
Gallery opening beginning in April, and will go through December.
o Promote group artist protocol
o Follow artist protocol
o Parley with Creekside or other community events to enhance participation
o Coordinate Galley Exhibits with seasonal events; i.e. Wildlife Festival, harvest Festival, Holiday Boutique, Cinco de Maya, bulb exchange, etc
Create schedule of workshops for the summer
o Textiles
o Woodworking
o Watercolor
o Pottery
o Mushroom, etc
o How do we schedule these workshops? Who schedules them?
Emelia, Mediha, and Linda will meet to talk about summer workshop scheduling.

Grant Program
Confirm current grant program protocol
Announce annual grant program to local schools and in newspaper by March 1
Deadline for grant requests April 15
Announcements of winners will be by June 1. 

Board Retreat Minutes

Present: Mediha & Gil Saliba, Linda & David Lippman, Nadia Hosking, Patty Reeb, Keri Raphael, Michaela Walston, Emelia Berol.
Absent: Lisa Ambrosini, Gina Costa, Liz & Steve Brunner


1. Mediha Saliba is writing a grant for $12,500 for U.S. Bank.  She will have it ready to send out next week.

2. Fee adjustments for site: The board voted to continue with the site fees of $20.00 for ½ day and $40.00 for over 4 hours.

3. Ground maintenance:  Gill needs help with maintaining the items below.
a. sprinklers
b. mowing
c. clean up
d. handi-man items
Dave suggested we have a spring work party to get some of the work caught up on.  

4. Landscaping the back: Lisa not present to update the board.

5. Types of fundraisers: Creekside Arts & Education will attempt to do fundraisers monthly, offering food and music.  Studio 299 could raise separate fund by doing raffle baskets at these events.

6. Do we want to close the Gallery/Shop some months of the winter?   The last two weekends have been absolutely quiet at the gallery. The board voted 9:0 to close the gallery for the months of January – March.  They will continue to hold regular monthly meetings and plan for the Spring.

7. Joanne Rand concert in February?  The board voted 9:0 to Not have a Joanne Rand concert in February. They would like to host her in one of the summer months when attendance will be better and the outdoors can be used as well.

8. Marc and Londa Rowley are planning an “Event” at their China Cree Lodge.  They have asked Studio 299 for help.  Do we want to organize art booths to be on their site on August 23?  Should we charge for booths or a % of artist’s sales.  The board voted 9:0 to gather artists for the Rowley event.  We will charge for booths instead of asking a %. Cost for booth has not yet been established.  David Lippmann suggested $10.00 for members, $20.00 for nonmembers.  This subject is still under discussion and will be revisited as the event draws closer.

Since the quilters will not have a space in the Gallery this summer, maybe they could have a booth at the China Creek Lodge event.  Mediha will talk with Pat Bull and Carol Foster.

9. Pam Barker wants to do a wine tasting in June and has asked if we would like to send artists. There was much discussion on how Studio 299 should handle such questions.  Are we offering a service?  Should we offer to send artists for such requests?  What does Studio 299 get out of the effort?  Should we charge the [in this case winery] a fee for artists? $10.00/artist?  Or . . .
This question was tabled.  The board voted 9:0 not to do the event at Pam Barkers this year since it conflicts with the opening of our own show at the Gallery, but we will revisit this question.

10 Events for 2014

A. April 12, 8 AM-4 PM  Wildlife Show
i. Artist Lori-Ed Fitzgerald, and Mediha will check with Gary Bloomfield? Emelia will also talk with Peter Canclini to show his photography. 
ii. Perhaps Gary Bloomfield could lead the morning bird walk.
iii. Creekside will sell lunch and drinks.
iv. Maybe will have Humbold Wildlife Care Center, but Mary is sick so we are not sure if anyone can come out.  Michaela will check with Mary.
v. David will contact Nature Joe about cost to come out.

B. May 10, 4-7 PM Celebrating Cinco De Mayo 
i. Artist Nancy Ayers, and she will get back to Mediha about including two of her artist friends.
ii. Creekside will make Mexican food and Margaritas
iii. Emilia and Nadia will talk to people about Salsa dance instruction.

C. June 14, 4-7 PM
i. Kerry Winegarden from Little Tree
ii. Emelia will check with landscape artist Ken Jarvela for wall art.
iii. Peter Canclini also has nice landscape photography

D. July 12, 4-7 PM
i. Artist Sonya Fe : Mediha will get in touch with Sonya and ask her if she is available. 
ii. Creekside will try to organize an ice cream tasting with Neukom peaches.

E. August 9, 4-7PM  Pie baking contest
i. we still need an artist on the wall
ii. China Creek Lodge event August 23, all day

F. September 13, 4-7 PM Textiles

G. October 11 TIME CHANGE??  Kids Art Contest

H. November 8, 1-4 PM Fungus Fair
i. Larry or Cindy or both could do a workshop
ii. Creekside could make mushroom foods.

I.  December 13, 1-4 PM Gingerbread House contest – community and schools.

Meeting Notes November 4, 2013

Attending:  Michaela Walston, Linda and David Lippman, Lisa Ambrosini, Patti Reeb, Steve and Liz Brunner, Gina Costa, Elizabeth Young, Keri Raphael

Call to order 5:00pm

Michaela made a motion to appoint Elizabeth Young to the board, motion seconded, and passed by all members present

October minutes read and approved
Joan’s next watercolor class will be November 8th

“Your Donation Helps” – Linda explained this fundraising system as a new revenue source.  Scott Pare fixes up old cars that have been donated, sells them, and donates portion of the proceeds to small nonprofit groups.  He said he would do this for us. In order to do this, we need to pass the following resolutions:
· Vote Scott Pare as a director of Studio 299
· Pass a resolution to sell motor vehicles at the location in Southern California
· Pass a resolution directing Scott Pare to proceed and obtain the appropriate permits for operations from the LAPD and city of LA
-  Several board members feel like we need to do more investigation before passing these resolutions.  Found information online that there may have been some legal issues about this fundraising organization that are concerning.  Called Mediha to ask questions about why we need to do each of these steps and let know we want to wait on this.
- Decided to postpone the vote, do research, and discuss this again at the next board meeting
o Elizabeth will do research and Michaela will call her aunt 

Creekside Fund Raiser November 16th, 5:30-9:00pm
· Tickets $20 – include dinner, desserts, and 1 drink ticket
· First 10 people to donate $150 or more will receive a mosaic fish made by Creekside students
· 5:30-6:30 music and drinks, 6:30 dinner, 7:00 auction
- We will be auctioning several items, including a piano
- We will also be raffling gift baskets
· Tickets available at Farmer Brown’s

Holiday Boutique – Saturday, December 7th and Sunday, December 8th 10am-4pm
· Set up Friday, December 6th 4pm-6pm
· Next committee meeting for this event will be Monday November 18th at 5:00pm to establish procedures for set up and labeling
· We need Studio 299 members here to set up and get inventory in the morning of the 7th, be here all weekend to run event, and be here Sunday evening to help check out artists and clean up
· Artists:
- Studio 299 gets 10% of any sales
- All items must be priced when they get here, artists need to bring or write an inventory sheet when they get here
- Ask artist to have some lower priced gift items
- Michaela will make an inventory sheet 
- We need to make a double tag system to label all items
· Food
- Complimentary drinks
- Coffee – David and Linda
- Cocoa – Emelia
- Cider - ?
· Publicity (David)
- Publicity in place before Thanksgiving
- Banners – David will order them, Steve will help David put them up
- Advertise on water bills – Liz will coordinate
- Posters – David and Linda will make posters and laminate them
- Post even on Community Calendar 
· Raffle
- Gift Baskets – 1 basket will be raffled off each day
- Wine – Linda and David will ask for donations
- Jewelry – Steve will donate
- Woodworking item – Gil will donate
- Food – David will ask for Co-op donation
- Creating the baskets – Liz and Emelia
· Music
- Background music – Emelia offered to play the piano

Next board Meeting Monday, December 2nd 
Meeting adjourned 6:30pm

Meeting Notes October 7, 2013

Attending:  Mediha and Gil Saliba, Michaela Walston, Linda and David Lippman, Lisa Ambrosini, Keri Raphael, Patti Reeb, Steve Brunner, Sandra Sturrenberg, Amelia Berol, Bob Warner

Potluck food, Call to order 5:15pm


The following people were nominated for each position

  • President – Mediha Saliba
  • Vice president – Linda Lippman
  • Treasurer – Gil Saliba
  • Secretary – Lisa Ambrosini
  • Director and Gallery Coordinator– Nadea Hosking
  • Director and Gallery Coordinator- Patty Reeb
  • Director and Creekside Coordinator – Michaela Walston
  • Director – Liz Brunner
  • Director – Emelia Berol
  • Director – Gina Costa
  • Director – Steve Brunner
  • Director and Publicist – David Lippman
  • Director and Webmaster – Keri Raphael

Gill moved for ballot to be approved, Linda seconded the motion.  Ballot was approved by all attending.


Gallery Committee co-chairs – Patty Reeb and Nadea Hosking

Fundraising Committee chair – Linda Lippman


Studio 299 got the bill from Bay West, Creekside needs to pay that

Joan’s watercolor class is ongoing each month, but changes days each month. Next one is Friday, November 1st at 8:30

Membership list and dues

This Sat, Oct. 12th 5pm-8pm is gallery opening of Chris Wisner’s art and Lexicon of Sustainability show

  • Michaela is bringing pumpkin desserts to sell
  • We would like to have someone else here selling things
  • Mediha will ask Chris Coyer
  • It would be nice to have music

This weekend will be the last opening until May.

We are planning a holiday gift shop in November or December

  • What dates? How many days? Friday, Saturday, and Sunday? Only 2 days? One day? Weekend of Dec 6th, 7th and 8th
  • Aiming for Dec 7th noon-6pm
  • If we have lots of artists, we could split it into 2 days
  • How do we advertise this on signs? Other publicity? Put on Facebook
  • We will be open longer hours
  • Who is included in selling
  • Emelia, Bob, Michaela, Patty, Linda, Steve, Liz, Mediha, and Gil all volunteered to be the committee for this event.  Their next meeting will be Monday, October 14th 5pm.  Committee will plan to meet every Monday.
  • Try to get Autumn Star and Niki to sell things 

Mediha and Steve are picking up cabinets for the studio this Friday

Adjourned 6:45 PM

Meeting Notes September 9, 2013

Attending:  Mediha and Gil Saliba, Michaela Walston, Linda and David Lippman, Lisa Ambrosini, Keri Raphael, Liz and Steve Bruner, Sandra Sturrenberg, Mark Nipper, Sandra Sturrenberg

Call to order 5:00pm

Read and approved August meeting notes


Treasurer’s report from Gil

  • Humboldt Area Foundation investments and giving grants

Mark Nipper proposed having Joanne Rand come out to perform

  • He has talked with her and she is interested in coming out
  • She gives a voice through song that expresses the voice of the earth
  • Friday, February 28, 2014
  • Mark will cover expenses and provide sound person
  • Can charge at the door as a fundraiser
  • Would Studio 299 provide $100 to cover her expenses?
  • How to advertise?  Spread the word and make fliers (Mark will do this), Mark will get info to David to publish

September 14th is opening for Gail’s show

  • Board members should make nametags for themselves

October’s art show will be the Lexicon of Sustainability – October 12th

  • This art is free-standing, it would be nice to get some other art to go on the walls
  • Chris Wisner can display art of local farmers – could fill entire space, or he could do a joint show
  • David will check in with Chris
  • Who else would fit in with this?
    • Rita and Laurie might want to do a talk or bring their jams and jellies (Michaela will call them)
    • Jacque and Amy will let us use their apple press if someone is willing to monitor it while helping make apple cider (Michaela will confirm this)
    • Creekside families will make pumpkin desserts

Keri made a Google Calendar that is on the website now

  • She wants to have a few other people help manage the calendar (Gil and Mediha and Lisa will help do this)
  • Keri will send the username and password for this to Mediha and Lisa

Gallery has been open for a year now, we have had openings every month!

Next month (October) is our election month. We will have our annual membership potluck meeting and elections on October 7th.  We will also discuss the October opening at this meeting.

Future plans for Studio 299 – Linda

  • Everyone should be aware of what this nonprofit is and what it does
  • How can we lighten the load for Gil and Mediha (or anyone else who takes on leadership)
  • Roles and Responsibilities for board members was distributed
    • President
    • Vice President
    • Treasurer
    • Recording Secretary
    • Corresponding Secretary
    • Building and Grounds
    • Workshops and Space Rentals
    • Art Gallery Director
    • Webmaster
    • Creekside Coordination
    • Publicist

Nominate people for each role

  • President – Mediha Saliba
  • Vice president – Linda Lippman
  • Treasurer – Gil Saliba
  • Secretary – Lisa Ambrosini
  • Membership Coordinator (*changed from Corresponding Secretary) –
  • Building and Grounds – Gil Saliba and Michaela Walston
  • Workshops and Space Rentals –
  • Art Gallery Director – Nadia Hosking and Patti Reeb
  • Webmaster – Keri Raphael
  • Creekside Coordinator – Michaela Walston
  • Publicist – David Lippman
  • Creative and Development “Technical Gophers” – Liz and Steve Bruner

September Gallery Sitting Schedule:

  • Sept 14th – Mediha (opening)
  • Sept 21st – Patti
  • Sept 28th – Liz

Need to be clear about how people pay for art and how we record when the artist is paid.

We do not have a show for November – this is okay

We will be doing a Holiday Gift Shop in December

Should we keep the gallery open in January and February?

Have openings again starting in March

Next meeting will be the annual membership potluck October 7th at 5:00 - everyone bring a dish and let other people know! 

Meeting adjourned at 6:35

Meeting Notes August 5, 2013

Attending:  Mediha and Gil Saliba, Michaela Walston, Linda and David Lippman, Lisa Ambrosini, Tamara Jenkins, Keri Raphael

Call to order 5:00pm

Read and approved June meeting notes


Creekside paid half of the cost of the bench Ron James made

Linda has tried to contact Perry about Tai-Chi, waiting to hear back from him

Poetry workshop was poorly attended, but otherwise was good.

  • Table poetry workshops for now?
  • Tamara is interested in having a poetry workshop maybe in January – something that won’t cost money to do, afternoon with potluck. Tamara will chair the project and take care of registration.

Chamber Mixer was very poorly attended

Jeff DeMark performance was a fun show, it would have been nice to have more people, [we had approx. 35]  but it went well

Open Mic Nights are going to be on hold for a few months until people are less busy

We should put up a “No Dogs” sign on the gate

Loerencita Lavine is painting a mural on the gallery door. It is looking beautiful!

  • What do we want to do with the other doors?  Keep them solid? Do murals on all of them?
  • Keep working on them slowly and see how it goes

Next opening is this Saturday, August 8th

  • This opening will be quilts
  • At least 7 quilters will have quilts displayed
  • Hours will be the same
  • Have people vote on a people’s choice award of favorite quilt

We have a new sign up on the road that has different small signs that we can attach in hopes of letting people know when the gallery is open and what is going on.

Friday, August 23rd Joan Briggs is doing a watercolor class

  • Cost is $30 for class, plus materials
  • All levels welcome
  • It might work better to have Joan charge a set price and provide materials rather than have the attendees get their own materials

We need people to sign up to work in the gallery for August

  • Tamara will do one

Keri from Little Trees wants to do a display of bonsai trees

  • She is gone from November through June, so it would have to be before then or not until next summer
  • Maybe we could do this in October?
  • Do we want another artist to share this one?

Other October ideas

  • David will contact someone at the Farm Bureau about the “Lexicon of Sustainability” that includes harvest art. 
  • This could include having farmers bring vegetables and fruit to sell. 
  • We could do a community dinner with this.  Tamara said she can bring bicycle powered blenders
  • Include Farmer’s Market posters from over the years

General Studio 299 Calendar

  • Creekside needs to put events/activities on the calendar
  • Studio activities are increasing on weekends, so there is more potential for conflicts
  • Creekside may be having a dinner fundraiser on November 18th
  • Creekside is planning a wildlife fair on April 12th that would coincide with the art gallery opening. Mediha will plan a bird walk again on this day.

Treasurer’s Report from Gil for April - June

  • We have been making some money from the artists and from Open Mic Nights.
  • We are covering our expenses

People expressed that joint shows seem to work well and draw in more people.

  • The artists doing a joint show need to communicate with each other about things like prices, bringing food, how much art they are bringing, etc.
  • This varies whether the artists chose to do a show together or if Studio 299 chose multiple artists who don’t know each other

Studio 299 needs to be clear about what we provide and what artists need to do. This includes:

  • Publicity – artists need to provide publicity for their following, we will provide it to Studio 299 following
  • Bringing food – Does Studio 299 provide any food? No, only drinks
  • Communicating with each other if it is a joint show is important
  • Make is clear that the gallery space should be for artist’s best work.  However, people always love seconds, and they sell better, so how should this work?  This is really only an issue for joint shows.

Is there somewhere we could show pictures of art in order to advertise the gallery openings?  Times Standard?  Lost Coast Outpost?  North Coast Journal?

Adjourned 6:30 PM

Minutes 7- 1- 13
Studio 299 – Center for the Arts

Present: Linda & Dave Lippman, Liz & Steve Brunner, Pat Reeb, Sandra Sterrenberg, Mediha & Gil Saliba
Absent: Lisa Ambrossini, Michaela Walston

June minutes were not yet approved as secretary Lisa Ambrossini was not present.
Treasurers report:  Nothing to report

New Business:

Gil & Mediha with Steve and Liz transported a piano from Eureka to have in the Gallery.  Hopefully we can have chamber music some time soon.  Stevi, our piano tuner will be notified that the piano is here.

July 13 Opening 5-8 PM
*Artists are bringing food for the reception. Studio 299 will bring drinks, glasses, plates, and napkins.  
*Artists will set up on Thursday at 10 AM
Mediha will check with the present show artists to see when they can take their art down.

July 14 Poetry workshop
*Have 5 paid participants so far.  We need 10 to make it nice for Daryl Chinn, our visiting poet.
*Michaela will provide lunch for the workshop participants

July 18- Chamber of Commerce Mixer 5-7 PM
*Linda Lippman and Mediha will bring food
*Dave offered some idea for things to do.  Have a raffle by placing business cards in a box for the drawing.
*Mediha should email Lippmans photos of the gallery art shows so we can do a power-point show

July 22 evening with Jeff DeMark and Mediha
$5-10 sliding scale
We will sell drinks and desserts.  Liz, Pat, and Mediha will do desserts
If the gallery is too crowded with the art exhibit we can do the show outside.

July 26 Open Mic
We can do this outside if the gallery is too crowded.  

Lippmans and Brunners offered to get posters up in Willow Creek, as well as talk to the CSD about putting our events on the water bill, and talk to Mike about putting our opening on the ACE board.  Mediha will email them the poster.
Dave Lippman will do news releases for our July events.
Mediha has already had the Two Rivers print the July calendar  

Mediha suggested perhaps others would like to work on Saturdays 1-4.  
Liz worked in June and found it enjoyable.
Pat and Linda volunteered.  Pat will work July 6.  Linda will work July 27
Mediha said she would organize better to make it easier for everyone to understand the inventory sheets.

Joan Briggs would like to do a watercolor workshop.
One day.  She’ll let us know the cost and what participants will have to bring.

Perry is still planning to do Tai-Chi starting in August.
Linda spoke with him and moved the day to Fridays at 9:30 AM

Old Business
Potting studio
On hold until we get a cost estimate and Mediha can begin looking for grants.

Adjourned 6:30 PM

Meeting Notes May 6, 2013


Attending:  Mediha and Gil Saliba, Michaela Walston, Sandra Sterrenberg, Linda and David Lippman, Lisa Ambrosini, Tamara Jenkins, Liz and Steve Bruner


Call to order 5:00pm


Read and approved May meeting notes




How do we get higher attendance at gallery openings?

  • Talked more about mailing out postcards to announce openings. Who would we mail this to?  How much would this cost?
  • If we have extra money we could do this.
  • Can artists put out some kind of announcements?
  • Maybe print out ¼ page fliers to hand to people  at openings and put at River Song or other places
  • Michaela will check on the due date for advertising on the water bill


Art Gallery Calendar is up and posted



Perry would like to teach Tai-Chi classes at the gallery.  Starting after August 20th, he would like to come in one day per week to teach Tai-Chi.

  • Studio 299 can offer the space, but Perry would need to advertise for the classes himself.
  • Linda said she would love to see Tai-Chi offered here, and she and David would come to classes and help spread the word about classes.
  • Most people agree that it would be great to have Perry teaching a Tai-Chi class each week.
  • Lisa and Michaela suggested Perry doing a morning class that students could attend.
  • Maybe two separate classes, one morning for kids and one afternoon for others
  • Plan for 5:30-6:30pm Friday nights starting August 23rd


Tamara suggested fundraising for mats for the gallery…..


Ron James has brought a wonderful wooden bench.  He would like $500 if we would like to keep it. Do we want to buy it?

  • We have enough money in the bank
  • Motion to buy the bench is approved
  • Creekside will split cost of the bench


Next Opening will be Alissa and Gretchen June 8th 6-9pm.

  • Alissa’s roommate will be doing the food.
  • Studio 299 will bring the wine
  • Alissa’s friend Dylan will be playing music


Do we need something between the pottery pieces and the wood tables to protect the wood?


Do we need a committee or chairperson to bring food to openings?

  • We will just discuss this at each meeting about the next opening happening
  • We will be conscious about amount of food needed – if the need increases, Studio 299 will provide a budget for food


June 28th is next Open Mic Night


Piano will possibly be picked up June 30th. It is free, but we are basically borrowing it for the time being.

  • Liz and Steve will go with Mediha and Gil to pick it up


Steve has drawn up plans for a Lunch/Art Studio space.  It looks like a great space

  • Gil will look into how much this building will cost and Mediha will look for a grant


Daryl Chinn will do a poetry workshop Sunday July 14th, 10am-3pm.

  • $30, includes lunch
  • Reservations necessary
  • Michaela will be making lunch
  • Tamara has been promoting the workshop by word of mouth, she will have a flier made by the end of the week.


Quilters will be here July 20th during the day.


The evening of July 20th, Danielle and Mike are going to do a show.  Should this take the place of Open Mic Night?  No.

  • Open Mic is supposed to be July 26th.


July 22nd Jeff D’Mark wants to do a poetry and music evening with Mediha

  • Does Creekside want to do a dinner?


Do one poster for July that includes Daryl Chinn’s workshop, Danielle and Mike’s show, Jeff and Mediha’s workshop, and Open Mic Night?

  • Who will design this? Print it?
  • Should we have a picture for each event?
  • Gallery show included also? No, this should be separate. Yes, it should be included, but maybe not as an event, just noted on the bottom.
  • Lisa and Michaela will work on this and get back to everyone about if we can do it this week
  • Should we just have this done by The Central Office?  Michaela will call and ask


Sandra is going to be in charge of gallery opening poster for July, including herself, Marilyn Allen, Ron Whitman, and Roz


Liz Bruner will create fliers for gallery shows that can be handed out.


Next meeting will be Monday, July 1st

Meeting adjourned at 6:40pm

Meeting Notes May 6, 2013

Attending:  Mediha Saliba, Michaela Walston, Sandra Sterrenberg, Patty Reeb, Keri Raphael, Linda and David Lippman,

Call to order 5:00pm


The new exhibit of Maureen Fitzgerald’s photography is up and looking beautiful.

Open Mic Night May 24, 7-9 PM
• Mediha will bring soft pretzels for that evening.

We need to see if we can get an upright piano donated.
The Chamber Music program would go better with a piano.
Dave Lippman will check on Craig’s List and do some other research.

May 11, Saturday, 2PM Gil will meet with planning committee for the Pottery Studio. [Sandra Sterrenberg, Roz Aucella, Marilyn Allen and Steve Brunner ]

Sandra suggested we visit Studio G, where John Garret has a small workshop space.  It is located behind the Highland Art Center.

Poetry Workshop: Mediha has reconnected with Daryl Chinn to see if he can do a workshop other than the original June 29th date.  He is thinking about it.


Saturday Openings
• We have had comments on perhaps changing the day since it conflicts with Arts Alive on the Coast and in Weaverville.  After much discussion it was decided that we change the Openings for new Art Exhibits to the second Saturday of the month. 
• The 1-4 PM time for the Openings seems to be a problem as the weather gets more sunny.  It is believed people are too busy in gardens, on the river, etc, and that an evening Opening would draw more people.  After much discussion it was decided that we move the Opening hours to 4-7 PM.  The Gallery will continue to be open from 1:00 PM that day.
• We must figure out a better way to announce the opening on the signs.
• Artists would also have a responsibility to bring people to their openings.  Sandra suggested we send out postcard invitations, but they are more costly and the idea was not well received.
• The Board should make an effort to invite people to the Openings to encourage better attendance.
• Do we want to combine Openings with a dinner offered by Creekside?  
Yes, at least during the good weather months. Michaela said she would discuss this with parents and teachers.

Other suggestions for when the Gallery is open:

• We should have a poster with next months Opening Date as well as events for the month.
• Membership forms should be out to encourage new members.

Other suggestions for Gallery Events:

•  Flower contest/show:  What’s the most beautiful flower in your garden. 
• Canning Food workshop / contest
• Pie contest with local fruits
• Photographs of local farms.  Dave Lippmann will look into seeing if we can get
this exhibit. “Lexicon of Sustainability.”
• A December boutique of Art for Sale
• An April exchange of seeds, flowers, bulbs . . .

Sandra announced the Burnt Ranch Art Show Opening this Thursday, May 9th , 6:30 PM

We voted on the Fire Safe Council Art Contest.  There were very few entries.

Next meeting will me Monday, June 3rd
Meeting adjourned at 6:30pm

Meeting Notes April 1, 2013


Attending:  Mediha and Gil Saliba, Lisa Ambrosini, Michaela Walston, Sandra Sturrenberg, Gale Packard, Patty Reeve, Nadia Hoskine, Kari Raphael, Linda and David Lipman, Liz and Steve Bruner


Call to order 5:00pm


Open Mic Night was a success!

  • Studio 299 made some money
  • How to continue with donated goodies without one or two people having all the responsibility?

Next Open Mic will be April 19th

  • Need people to make snacks to sell – Liz and Patty volunteered
  • Take a break from music every 45 minutes for people to socialize, get snacks, drinks, etc


Sound boards have been hung around the building, they have helped with echoing/noise issues


Saturday is Wildlife Fair

  • Bid walk 9am - noon
    • Hoping someone could bake something to be sold for breakfast before the walk – Linda and Liz volunteered
  • Bird Walk followed by lunch, opening, art and poetry contest and other events
  • Featured Artists:  Patricia, Dean, and Gary will be showing wildlife photography
  • Local kid’s wildlife art and poetry contest for K-12 students in community
    • Grand Prizes will be awarded at 2pm
  • Humboldt Wildlife Care will bring live raptors 1 - 3
  • Lunch, drinks, and desserts will be available for purchase starting at noon


1st Sat is May will be the opening for the mothers and children art show

  • Steve volunteered to help hang art at 9am May 4th for this show


A piano is being donated, Stevie volunteered to tune it for us

  • July 28th:  Possible date for Chamber music here


If anyone has other evening ideas for fundraisers, we would love to hear them…

  • Salsa Night!


Need a planning committee for the pottery studio


Membership and dues

  • What is the best way for us to collect dues?
    • Annual membership meeting with potluck, etc?  How to encourage all members to attend this meeting?
    • Mailer with envelope to send dues back in?
    • Send out letter about the meeting and dues, let them know that if they can’t make it to the meeting, they can still mail in the money.  Include upcoming events in this letter.
    • Need to alert people that there is a new way to deal with the membership fees
    • Membership meeting should be in spring – this is usually the time that more things start happening


Art Gallery Calendar:

  • April:  Wildlife art
  • May:  Mother and child photographs
  • June:  Alyssa Pattison and Gretchen – art and ceramics
  • July:  Sandra Sturrenberg, Ron Whitman, Roz Aucella, Marilyn Allen
  • August: Quilters
  • September: Gale


Time to judge the art and poetry contest!


Next meeting will me Monday, May 6th

Meeting adjourned at 6:05pm

3/4/2013 minutes


Attending:  Mediha and Gil Saliba, Lisa Ambrosini, Michaela Walston, Sandra Sturrenberg, Gale Packard, Patty Reeb, Nadia Hosking, Kathy Millerbis, Keri Raphael, Tamara Jenkinson, Linda and David Lippman


Call to order 5:00pm


Studio 299 is not going to do Taste of Willow Creek anymore

  • Venues have been notified about the cancellation
  • Chamber of Commerce was given the mailing list in case they want to do an event….


Book of Artists

  • One page for each artist who has shown art


Art Gallery Calendar:

  • April:  Wildlife art
  • May:  Mother and child photographs
  • June:  Alyssa Pattison and Gretchen – art and ceramics
  • July:  Sandra Sturrenberg, Ron Whitman, Roz Aucella, Marilyn Allen
  • August: Quilters
  • September: Gale


Need to find musicians that are happy/willing to play during openings each month

  • Should we leave this up to artists who are showing work?

The board thought maybe, yes.


Bigfoot Days parade float??  Still thinking


Business card selection was given to Kay and Rani


Dennis is going to terrace the back yard – have it looking nice by Wildlife Fair

He has already brought rock for walls.


Summer classes still not nailed down for dates


Open Mic:  4th Friday of every month, 7-9pm

  • Friday, March 22nd will be the first Open Mic Night
  • Sign ups at 6:30pm
  • Danielle is helping organize this, see if she can bring equipment
  • Drinks and snacks available for purchase
  • Need cooks and sellers          

Nadia and Patty have signed up to bake something for the first Open Mic


Wildlife Day:  April 6th

  • Bird Walk followed by lunch, opening, art and poetry contest and other events
  • Bird walk 9am – noon
  • Featured Artists:  Patricia, Dean, and Gary will be showing wildlife photography and paitings
  • Local kid’s wildlife art and poetry contest for K-12 students in community – Flier for this going out to other schools
    • Deadline for entries is Saturday, March 30th 1-4pm (during gallery hours)
    • Need judges from Studio 299
    • Grand Prizes will be awarded at 2pm
  • Call into Humboldt Wildlife Care to see if they can bring live raptors
  • Lunch, drinks, and desserts will be available for purchase starting at noon


Board sign ups for working one day a month

  • Saturday 1 – 4 for now, Sat 10 – 4 in summer


Poetry Class with George Wallace Saturday, June 29th - $30

  • Class size is limited to 20


Mediha applied for grant from Umpqua, didn’t get it.  Did get an offer from Ace Hardware – they are giving us 50 sample jars of paint that we can use to paint the doors in the gallery

  • Contest to see who gets to paint the doors?
  • Paint the inside doors just colors?  Otherwise too busy?
  • We will vote on this next month
  • Paint murals on the outside of the doors?


We want to hang sound board around to help with the acoustics in the building.  It might be nice to have something we could roll out on the floor as well.


Next meeting will me Monday, April 1st

Meeting adjourned at 6:10pm


Copyright 2006-2016, Studio 299